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[英]How to set a char inside a struct in C?

How do I allocate memory for a char variable (not a char pointer) inside a struct? 如何在结构内为char变量(不是char指针)分配内存?
(Variable names are in portuguese, sorry if it's kinda confusing) (可变名称使用葡萄牙语,如果造成混淆,请抱歉)

I have this struct: 我有这个结构:

typedef struct node{
    char rotulo[10], instrucao[1][2][10], flag;
    int simplificado;

    struct node *referencias[2];
    struct node **antecessores;
    int nrAntecessores;

    struct node *ant;
    struct node *prox;
} Estado;

And this is function insere() that sets values read from an input file in a new node: 这是insere()函数,用于设置从新节点中的输入文件读取的值:

void Insere(char *rotulo, char instrucao[][2][10], int qtdInstrucao, char flag){
    int i,j;
    Estado *NovoEstado;
    NovoEstado = (Estado*)malloc(sizeof(Estado));
    NovoEstado->prox = NULL;
    NovoEstado->ant = P->ult;
    strcpy(NovoEstado->rotulo, rotulo);
    NovoEstado->flag = flag;
    NovoEstado->antecessores = NULL;
    NovoEstado->nrAntecessores = 0;
    NovoEstado->simplificado = 0;

        realloc(NovoEstado->instrucao, i+1*sizeof(char[2][10]));
        strcpy(NovoEstado->instrucao[i][0], instrucao[i][0]);
        strcpy(NovoEstado->instrucao[i][1], instrucao[i][1]);

This NovoEstado->flag = flag; NovoEstado->flag = flag; isn't working... 没用...
Right after I set it, if I print NovoEstado->flag i get the right value, but if I put it after that for by the end of the function, when I print NovoEstado->flag I get the first char of NovoEstado->rotulo... 紧接着我将它,如果我打印NovoEstado->flag我得到正确的值,但如果我把它之后for由函数的最后,当我打印NovoEstado->flag我得到NovoEstado-的第一个字符> rotulo ...
The same happens when I try to print flag in main() ... 当我尝试在main()打印flag ,也会发生同样的情况……

I figure that's because I'm not properly allocating memory space to flag in Insere() , is that right? 我认为这是因为我没有在Insere()正确分配内存空间来进行flag ,对吗? And how do I fix it? 我该如何解决?

I'm pretty sure it's an awful easy question, and that I possibily knew this once, but I forgot and can't find it anywhere... So any help would be very appreciated 我很确定这是一个非常简单的问题,而且我可能一次也知道这一点,但是我忘记了并且在任何地方都找不到它...所以我们将不胜感激


Following ocdecio's tip I created a pointer to an two-dimensional array, in order to have a dinamic 3 dimensional array. 遵循ocdecio的技巧,我创建了一个指向二维数组的指针,以便获得动态3维数组。
My goal is to have a "table" like this: 我的目标是要有一个像这样的“桌子”:

  10 chars | 10 chars  

Where the number of lines is dinamic, but it's always an array of 2 strings of 10 chars. 行数是动态的,但始终是2个由10个字符组成的字符串的数组。

So now this is what I'm doing in main: 所以现在这是我主要要做的:

    char estado[127], rotulo[10], strInstrucoes[117], *conjunto = calloc(21, sizeof(char)), flag;
    char (*instrucao)[2][10];

    FILE * entrada;
    Automato *Aut = (Automato*)malloc(sizeof(Automato));

    if((entrada = fopen(argv[1], "r")) != NULL){
        while(fgets(estado, 127, entrada)){
            flag = 0;
            sscanf(estado,"%[^:]: %[^;]; %c", rotulo, strInstrucoes, &flag);
            instrucao = calloc(1, sizeof(char[2][10]));
            conjunto = strtok(strInstrucoes,"() ");
            for(i = 0; conjunto != NULL; i++){
                realloc(instrucao, i+1*sizeof(char[2][10]));
                sscanf(conjunto,"%[^,],%s", instrucao[i][0], instrucao[i][1]);
                printf("%s || %d\n", instrucao[i][1], i);
                conjunto = strtok(NULL, "() ");
            Insere(Aut, rotulo, instrucao, i, flag);

But this isn't working... 但这不起作用...
This is the input read from file 这是从文件读取的输入

adsasdfg2: (abc,123) (def,456) (ghi,789);

but even before I call Insere I'm not assigning the right values to instrucao the way I want, as this is the output of that printf 但即使在我致电Insere之前,我也没有按照我想要的方式为instrucao分配正确的值,因为这是该printf的输出


instead of what I'm aiming for 而不是我的目标


What's wrong? 怎么了?

(before someone asks, this is part of a homework, but not the homework. My task is to make a Deterministic Finite Automata minimizer, this is just a bug I'm getting related to data input) (有人问过,这是一门功课的一部分 ,但不是功课。我的任务就是让一个确定有限自动最小化,这只是我越来越相关数据输入错误)

Thanks a whole lot 非常感谢

Your problem is likely to be in this line: 您的问题可能在以下这一行:

realloc(NovoEstado->instrucao, i+1*sizeof(char[2][10]));

There is no need to allocate anything inside your structure because the field instrucao is statically defined by the statement instrucao[1][2][10] , it is not a dynamically allocated structure. 不需要在结构内部分配任何内容,因为instrucao字段是由语句instrucao[1][2][10]静态定义的,它不是动态分配的结构。

I think this line is the problem: 我认为这是问题所在:

realloc(NovoEstado->instrucao, i+1*sizeof(char[2][10]));

In the structure the instrucao is defined as a chunk of continuous memory but you are now allocating a memory and assigning the pointer. 在结构中,instrucao被定义为一块连续的内存,但是您现在正在分配内存并分配指针。

Try commenting it out, you don't need to allocate memory for that variable. 尝试注释掉它,您不需要为该变量分配内存。

You don't need to allocate flag. 您不需要分配标志。 It's a char defined inside the struct (as oppose to a pointer). 它是在结构内部定义的一个字符(与指针相反)。

Your error is caused by overwriting flag's contents inside the struct during the for loop where you write to NovoEstado->instrucao (ie its a memory scribble or overwrite). 您的错误是由在for循环中写入NovoEstado->instrucao的for循环中覆盖了struct内部标志的内容引起的(即,它的内存NovoEstado->instrucao或覆盖)。

Update: as @ocdecio points out, you do not need to realloc inside the loop, as instrucao is also statically allocated. 更新:@ocdecio指出,您不需要在循环内instrucao分配,因为instrucao也是静态分配的。

I don't know the intent of the code, but it's certainly illegal to do the following: 我不知道代码的意图,但是执行以下操作当然是非法的:

realloc(NovoEstado->instrucao, i+1*sizeof(char[2][10])); realloc(NovoEstado-> instrucao,i + 1 * sizeof(char [2] [10]));

Basically, the containing structure was allocated using malloc, but the inner-member in question is a statically defined array and it can't be rellocated using the heap (because the heap manager tracks only the malloced pointer to node). 基本上,包含结构是使用malloc分配的,但是有问题的内部成员是静态定义的数组,无法使用堆进行重新分配(因为堆管理器仅跟踪指向节点的malloc指针)。

typedef struct node{ char rotulo[10], instrucao[1][2][10], flag; typedef struct node {char rotulo [10], instrucao [1] [2] [10], flag;

If you wish to resize for instrucao dynamically, you must define it as a pointer type and allocate memory for it separately. 如果希望动态调整Instrucao的大小, 必须将其定义为指针类型,并分别为其分配内存。

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