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[英]How to compare property in two different objects and operate on it?

a= [{
    "id": "567",  
    "username": "foo",  
    "profile_title": "Senior Analyst"
    "id": "123",   
    "username": "bar",   
    "profile_title": "Program Management"

b= [{
    "URL": "https://abcd.com",
    "id": "123"
    "URL": "https://efgh.com",
    "id": "456"

I have two arrays with objects, I need to compare id and if they match, need to copy URL property from b to a.我有两个数组与对象,我需要比较ID,如果他们匹配,需要URL属性从B复制到。

You can achieve this by the following code.您可以通过以下代码实现此目的。

a.map((a_item, a_index) => {
  b.some((b_item, b_index) => {
    if(a_item.communityid === b_item.communityid){
      a[a_index].URL = b[b_index].URL;

Simply you can use for loop只需您可以使用for loop

 var a= [{ "communityid": "2032", "username": "foo", "profile_title": "Senior Analyst" }, { "communityid": "2085", "username": "bar", "profile_title": "Program Management" }]; var b= [{ "URL": "https://abcd.com", "communityid": "2032" }, { "URL": "https://efgh.com", "communityid": "2085" }]; for(i in a){ for(j in b){ if(a[i].communityid == b[j].communityid){ a[i].URL = b[j].URL; } } } console.log(a);

For simple understanding and static comparison try this, you can use a recursive method to loop through it once you understood it.为了简单理解和静态比较试试这个,你可以使用递归方法在你理解它之后循环它。

let fun = ()=>
   if(a[0].username == b[0].usernmame)
     return "Matched!"
     return "Bad luck!"

key element: a[0].username == b[0].usernmame,a[1].username == b[1].usernmame etc关键元素:a[0].username == b[0].usernmame,a[1].username == b[1].usernmame 等

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