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UI 按钮参考在检查器中不可见

[英]UI Button reference not visible in the inspector

I declared my Button[] public so i can reference it from my inspector我宣布我的 Button[] 是公开的,所以我可以从我的检查员那里引用它

but it does not appear in my inspector.但它没有出现在我的检查员中。 Please help!!!请帮忙!!!

I tried restarting the C# as well as re-importing everything in unity....我尝试重新启动 C# 以及统一重新导入所有内容....

public rocket rocket;公共火箭火箭;

 public Button[] levelButtons; 

void Start()
    for(int i=1 ; i<levelButtons.Length ; i++)
      //  if(i + 1 > rocket.level)

Button actually is GameObject include Component Button. Button 其实就是 GameObject 包括 Component Button。 And you should init size for Array you want to create before using it.并且您应该在使用它之前为要创建的数组初始化大小。 I had edited code for example:我编辑了代码,例如:

 //Your array
 public GameObject[] levelButtons; 

 //Object to attach Button
 public GameObject   panelShow;
 //Size for Array
 public int          sizeArrayButton = 5;

 void Awake()
        //Init size for Array
        levelButtons = new GameObject[sizeArrayButton];
        for (int i = 0; i < levelButtons.Length; i++)
            //Create new Object and random for position of Gameobject
            GameObject button = new GameObject();
            button.transform.parent = panelShow.transform;
            button.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(100, 50), Random.Range(100, 26), Random.Range(-25, 26));
            button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => { Debug.Log($"Button: +{i}+ was clicked"});
            levelButtons[i] = button;

And in Unity, you also make it by using List and Prefabs.在 Unity 中,您还可以使用 List 和 Prefabs 来实现。

so the issue is solved...so basically what i did was just update my unity version and then it allowed me to use UnityEngine.UI and the issue is now fixed...所以问题解决了......所以基本上我所做的只是更新我的统一版本然后它允许我使用UnityEngine.UI并且问题现在已经修复......

Thank you everyone for your time...much apppreciated谢谢大家的时间...非常感谢

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