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为什么 a / (b*c) 在 Python 中(以及一般情况下)比 a / b / c 慢?

[英]Why is a / (b*c) slower than a / b / c in Python (and in general)?

I stumbled across an interesting optimization question while writing some mathematical derivative functions for a neural network library.在为神经网络库编写一些数学导数函数时,我偶然发现了一个有趣的优化问题。 Turns out that the expression a / (b*c) takes longer to compute than a / b / c for large values (see timeit below).事实证明,对于大值,表达式a / (b*c)a / b / c需要更长的时间来计算(请参见下面的timeit )。 But since the two expressions are equal:但由于这两个表达式是相等的:

  • shouldn't Python be optimized both in the same way on the down-low? Python 不应该在低端以相同的方式进行优化吗?
  • is there a case for a / (b*c) , given that it seems to be slower?是否有 a a / (b*c) ,因为它似乎更慢?
  • or am I missing something, and the two are not always equal?或者我错过了什么,而两者并不总是平等的?

Thanks in advance :)提前致谢 :)

In [2]: timeit.timeit('1293579283509136012369019234623462346423623462346342635610 / (52346234623632464236234624362436234612830128521357*32189512234623462637501237)')
Out[2]: 0.2646541080002862

In [3]: timeit.timeit('1293579283509136012369019234623462346423623462346342635610 / 52346234623632464236234624362436234612830128521357 / 32189512234623462637501237')
Out[3]: 0.008390166000026511

Why is a/(b*c) slower?为什么a/(b*c)更慢?

(b*c) is multiplying two very big ints with unlimited precision. (b*c)以无限精度乘以两个非常大的整数。 That is a more expensive operation than performing floating point division (which has limited precision).这是比执行浮点除法(精度有限)更昂贵的操作。

Are the two calculations equivalent?这两个计算是等价的吗?

In practice, a/(b*c) and a/b/c can give different results, because floating point calculations have inaccuracies, and doing the operations in a different order can produce a different result.在实践中, a/(b*c)a/b/c会给出不同的结果,因为浮点计算有不准确的地方,以不同的顺序进行运算会产生不同的结果。

For example:例如:

a = 10 ** 33
b = 10000000000000002
c = 10 ** 17
print(a / b / c)    # 0.9999999999999999
print(a / (b * c))  # 0.9999999999999998

It boils down to how a computer deals with the numbers it uses.它归结为计算机如何处理它使用的数字。

Why doesn't Python calculate a/(b*c) as a/b/c ?为什么 Python 不将a/(b*c)a/b/c

That would give surprising results.那会产生出人意料的结果。 The user ought to be able to expect that用户应该能够期望

d = b*c
a / d

should have the same result as应该有相同的结果

a / (b*c)

so it would be a source of very mysterious behaviour if a / (b*c) gave a different result because it was magically replaced by a / b / c .所以如果a / (b*c)给出不同的结果,因为它被a / b / c神奇地取代了,这将是一个非常神秘的行为来源。

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