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Facebook SDK:创建广告帐户显示“(#270) 开发访问权限不允许访问业务 API post:Business\\/adaccount。”

[英]Facebook SDK: create ad account says “(#270) Development access is not allowed to access business API post:Business\/adaccount.”

We are attempting to follow the advice given here to create an ad account for a 3rd party user, like this:我们正在尝试按照此处给出的建议为第 3 方用户创建广告帐户,如下所示:

curl https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/<BUSINESS_ID>/adaccount -F "name=ad account" -F "currency=EUR" -F "timezone_id=1" -F "end_advertiser=NONE" -F "media_agency=NONE" -F "partner=NONE"   -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>"

This command results in:此命令导致:

{"error":{"message":"(#270) Development access is not allowed to access business API post:Business\/adaccount.","type":"OAuthException","code":270,"fbtrace_id":"A0VK_j5lhkOXn0Cc5W9WZSx"}}

The BUSINESS_ID specified here is for our actual live (but not yet Facebook-validated) business, as we have been unable to find any explanation of how to obtain a test BUSINESS_ID for dev.此处指定的 BUSINESS_ID 用于我们的实际直播(但尚未经过 Facebook 验证)业务,因为我们无法找到有关如何为开发人员获取测试 BUSINESS_ID 的任何说明。

The goal here is to be able to create an ad account for an end user, which we will manage.这里的目标是能够为最终用户创建一个我们将管理的广告帐户。 The end user must not be able to modify the ad campaigns that we will eventually be creating via this account.最终用户不得修改我们最终将通过此帐户创建的广告活动。

What are we doing wrong here?我们在这里做错了什么?

It seems like your app is still in Development mode, which in the case of Facebook API, some of the permissions, they do not allow access when your app is in development mode.看起来您的应用程序仍处于开发模式,在 Facebook API 的情况下,某些权限在您的应用程序处于开发模式时不允许访问。 For example: when you need to receive notifications in your webhooks.例如:当您需要在 Webhook 中接收通知时。

You can check your development mode in the developer dashboard.您可以在开发者仪表板中查看您的开发模式。 I think this is the issue in your case.我认为这就是你的问题。

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