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[英]React: change element class depending on screen position

I have a React component.我有一个 React 组件。 Which renders a row of images.渲染一行图像。 On mouse over a bigger preview if the picture is displayed on the left hand side of the picture.如果图片显示在图片的左侧,则将鼠标悬停在更大的预览上。 However now I would like to put the preview on the right hand side if the original picture is on the left part of the window.但是现在如果原始图片在窗口的左侧,我想将预览放在右侧。 My current implemention is very slow.我目前的实施很慢。

import React from 'react';
import { calculateDimensions, calculateTimeDifference, postData } from '../Tools';
import { CONST } from '../config';

export class Picture extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      bookmark: this.props.picture.bookmark,
      stars: parseInt(this.props.picture.stars),
      showPreview: false,

    this.url = CONST.URL_RESTSERVICE + '/picture/update.php';

  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate() {

  setPictureClass() {
    // set class to all pictues so they wil get alignet properly
    let pic = document.getElementById('pic' + this.props.picture.id);
      const offsetLeft = pic.getBoundingClientRect().left;
      const width  = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
      if (width / 2 < offsetLeft ) {
      } else {

  render() {
    const pic = this.props.picture;
    const stars = parseInt(this.state.stars);
    let timeDiffernce = null;
    if (pic.date && pic.previousDate) {
      timeDiffernce = calculateTimeDifference(pic.date, pic.previousDate);

    // const inputRef = useRef();

    return (
    <div className="inline-block align-center picture">
      <div className="block tooltipPic" id={'pic' + pic.id}>
        this.props.handleClickPicturePreview ?
        <img onClick={() => this.props.handleClickPicturePreview(pic)} src={pic.picLocation} width={pic.width ? calculateDimensions(pic).width : 0} height={pic.height ? calculateDimensions(pic).height : 0} loading="lazy" alt={pic.id} />
        : <a href={pic.picLocation} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src={pic.picLocation} width={pic.width ? calculateDimensions(pic).width : 0} height={pic.height ? calculateDimensions(pic).height : 0} loading="lazy" alt={pic.id} className=""/></a>
        <span className="tooltiptextPic"><img src={pic.picLocation} width={pic.width ? calculateDimensions(pic, 600, 600).width : 0} height={pic.height ? calculateDimensions(pic, 600, 600).height : 0} loading="lazy" alt={pic.id} /></span>

you can use element.getBoundingClientRect() which will let you know where in the screes is the image (or element) is appearing, so you can set an if, if it's too close of the left edge, then send it to the other side: https://gomakethings.com/how-to-test-if-an-element-is-in-the-viewport-with-vanilla-javascript/您可以使用element.getBoundingClientRect()它将让您知道图像(或元素)出现在屏幕中的哪个位置,因此您可以设置一个 if,如果它离左边缘太近,则将其发送到另一侧: https://gomakethings.com/how-to-test-if-an-element-is-in-the-viewport-with-vanilla-javascript/

What I would do is to create a css class that pushes the image where I want it to appear,我要做的是创建一个 css 类,将图像推送到我希望它出现的位置,

    // Some style
    margin-left: 99px; //Whathever you need

Then calculate the position where the image will be rendered然后计算图像将被渲染的位置

// Find the element already rendered
const divToCheck =  document.getElementById({'pic' + pic.id});

// Get the position
let bounding = divToCheck.getBoundingClientRect();

// Log the results
// {
//  height: 118,
//  width: 591.359375,
//  top: 137,
//  bottom: 255,
//  left: 40.3125,
//  right: 631.671875
// }

// set state so the render has access
boundingPositionX: bounding.left,


Finally dinamically set the class最后动态设置类

let classToPush;
this.state.boundingPositionX < 99 ? classToPush = "push-image" : classToPush = "";

If everything goes right, you should be able to push the element to the right如果一切顺利,您应该能够将元素向右推

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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