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R - for 循环错误:“'}' 中出现意外的 '}'”

[英]R - for loop error: “Unexpected '}' in '}'”

here is the code for a simulation I'm trying to run:这是我尝试运行的模拟代码:

n_draws <- 1000

black <- rep(0, n_draws)
hispanic <- rep(0, n_draws)
asian <- rep(0, n_draws)
white <- rep(0, n_draws)

cutoff <- c(0.05,0.1,0.25,1)
draws <- runif(n_draws,0,1)

for (i in draws){
  if (draws[i] < cutoff[1]){
    black[i] <- 1
  } else if ((draws[i] >= cutoff[1]) & (draws[i] < cutoff[2])){
    hispanic[i] <- 1
  } else if ((draws[i] >= cutoff[2]) & (draws[i] < cutoff[3]){
    asian[i] <- 1
  } else {

white[i] <- 1


Basically, I want to add a 1 to the corresponding list, conditional on where that number falls in the range (0,1).基本上,我想在相应的列表中添加一个 1,条件是该数字在 (0,1) 范围内的位置。 I'm not sure why this is giving an error.我不确定为什么会出现错误。 Suggestions?建议?

You're just missing a closing bracket just after cutoff[3] , also used seq_along in my example as it's a bit nicer您只是在cutoff[3]之后缺少一个seq_along在我的示例中也使用了seq_along因为它更好一些

for (i in seq_along(draws)){
  if (draws[i] < cutoff[1]){
    black[i] <- 1
  } else if ((draws[i] >= cutoff[1]) & (draws[i] < cutoff[2])){
    hispanic[i] <- 1
  } else if ((draws[i] >= cutoff[2]) & (draws[i] < cutoff[3])){
    asian[i] <- 1
  } else {
    white[i] <- 1

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