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R if-nest 和/或 for 循环中的错误? “}”中出现意外的“}”

[英]R Error in if-nest and/or for-loop? Unexpected '}' in "}"

I'm trying to work with a table called 'data' in R .我正在尝试使用R中名为 'data' 的表。

My code is roughly like this:我的代码大致是这样的:

for (i in nrow(data):1) {
  data$meanApproval[i] = mean(data[max(1,i-11):i,5])

  if(data$Poll = data[duplicated(data$Poll),]) {
    data = data[!duplicated(data$Poll),]

It throws the error as in the title:它抛出了标题中的错误:

"Unexpected '}' in "}"" “在“}”中出现意外的“}”

The syntax before I added this code gave no complaint, so I'm sure it's the section I've posted.添加此代码之前的语法没有任何抱怨,所以我确定这是我发布的部分。

I know this may be considered a duplicate question, but I've studied all the other answers, and none of them help me with this issue.我知道这可能被认为是一个重复的问题,但我已经研究了所有其他答案,但没有一个能帮助我解决这个问题。 I can't find any missing bracket matches, and none of these are the result of a unicode misread.我找不到任何丢失的括号匹配,而且这些都不是 unicode 误读的结果。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

The error message was misleading from the actual error in the code.错误消息与代码中的实际错误具有误导性。

if(data$Poll = data[duplicated(data$Poll),]) {

should have read == for the if check应该阅读==以进行if检查

if(data$Poll == data[duplicated(data$Poll),]) {

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