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Windows 10 上的 CPU 温度

[英]Cpu Temperature on Windows 10

Is there a way to get the CPU temperature in windows 10?有没有办法在 Windows 10 中获取 CPU 温度? I tried to get it from the command line with wmic, but it always gives the same value.我试图用 wmic 从命令行获取它,但它总是给出相同的值。 How can I do this without using a program?如何在不使用程序的情况下做到这一点? Or, is there an api that gives out the temperature information?或者,是否有提供温度信息的 api?

Yes.是的。 I tried this and the result is the same.我试过了,结果是一样的。 I check the value in 1 second intervals.我每隔 1 秒检查一次值。 The temperature value stays at 27.8.温度值保持在 27.8。 Not updating.不更新了。

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