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PyTorch RNN 使用 `batch_first=False` 更有效吗?

[英]PyTorch RNN is more efficient with `batch_first=False`?

In machine translation, we always need to slice out the first timestep (the SOS token) in the annotation and prediction.在机器翻译中,我们总是需要在注释和预测中切出第一个时间步(SOS 标记)。

When using batch_first=False , slicing out the first timestep still keeps the tensor contiguous.使用batch_first=False ,切出第一个时间步仍然保持张量连续。

import torch
batch_size = 128
seq_len = 12
embedding = 50

# Making a dummy output that is `batch_first=False`
batch_not_first = torch.randn((seq_len,batch_size,embedding))
batch_not_first = batch_first[1:].view(-1, embedding) # slicing out the first time step

However, if we use batch_first=True , after slicing, the tensor is no longer contiguous.但是,如果我们使用batch_first=True ,切片后,张量不再连续。 We need to make it contiguous before we can do different operations such as view .我们需要使其连续,然后才能进行不同的操作,例如view

batch_first = torch.randn((batch_size,seq_len,embedding))
batch_first[:,1:].view(-1, embedding) # slicing out the first time step

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-a9bd590a1679> in <module>
----> 1 batch_first[:,1:].view(-1, embedding) # slicing out the first time step

RuntimeError: view size is not compatible with input tensor's size and stride (at least one dimension spans across two contiguous subspaces). Use .reshape(...) instead.

Does that mean batch_first=False is better, at least, in the context of machine translation?这是否意味着batch_first=False至少在机器翻译的上下文中更好? Since it saves us from doing the contiguous() step.因为它使我们免于执行contiguous()步骤。 Is there any cases that batch_first=True works better?是否有任何情况下batch_first=True效果更好?


There doesn't seem to be a considerable difference between batch_first=True and batch_first=False . batch_first=Truebatch_first=False之间似乎没有太大区别。 Please see the script below:请看下面的脚本:

import time

import torch

def time_measure(batch_first: bool):
    layer = torch.nn.RNN(10, 20, batch_first=batch_first).cuda()
    if batch_first:
        inputs = torch.randn(100000, 7, 10).cuda()
        inputs = torch.randn(7, 100000, 10).cuda()

    start = time.perf_counter()

    for chunk in torch.chunk(inputs, 100000 // 64, dim=0 if batch_first else 1):
        _, last = layer(chunk)

    return time.perf_counter() - start

print(f"Time taken for batch_first=False: {time_measure(False)}")
print(f"Time taken for batch_first=True: {time_measure(True)}")

On my device (GTX 1050 Ti), PyTorch 1.6.0 and CUDA 11.0 here are the results:在我的设备 (GTX 1050 Ti)、PyTorch 1.6.0和 CUDA 11.0 上,结果如下:

Time taken for batch_first=False: 0.3275816479999776
Time taken for batch_first=True: 0.3159054920001836

(and it varies either way so nothing conclusive). (而且它以任何一种方式变化,所以没有定论)。

Code readability代码可读性

batch_first=True is simpler when you want to use other PyTorch layers which require batch as 0 th dimension (which is the case for almost all torch.nn layers like torch.nn.Linear ).当您想使用其他需要batch作为第0维的 PyTorch 层时, batch_first=True会更简单(几乎所有torch.nn层如torch.nn.Linear都是这种情况)。

In this case you would have to permute returned tensor anyway if batch_first=False was specified.在这种情况下,如果指定了batch_first=False则无论如何都必须permute返回的张量。

Machine translation机器翻译

It should be better as the tensor is contiguous all the time and no copy of data has to be done.它应该会更好,因为tensor始终是连续的,并且不必进行数据复制。 It also looks cleaner to slice using [1:] instead of [:,1:] .使用[1:]而不是[:,1:]切片看起来也更干净。

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