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使用 xargs 编写 Bash 脚本来备份文件

[英]Bash Scripting with xargs to BACK UP files

I need to copy a file from multiple locations to the BACK UP directory by retaining its directory structure.我需要通过保留其目录结构将文件从多个位置复制到 BACK UP 目录。 For example, I have a file "a.txt" at the following locations /a/b/a.txt /a/c/a.txt a/d/a.txt a/e/a.txt, I now need to copy this file from multiple locations to the backup directory /tmp/backup.例如,我在以下位置有一个文件“a.txt”/a/b/a.txt /a/c/a.txt a/d/a.txt a/e/a.txt,我现在需要将此文件从多个位置复制到备份目录 /tmp/backup。 The end result should be:最终结果应该是:

when i list /tmp/backup/a --> it should contain /b/a.txt /c/a.txt /d/a.txt & /e/a.txt.当我列出 /tmp/backup/a --> 它应该包含 /b/a.txt /c/a.txt /d/a.txt & /e/a.txt。

For this, I had used the command: echo /a/*/a.txt |为此,我使用了命令:echo /a/*/a.txt | xargs -I {} -n 1 sudo cp --parent -vp {} /tmp/backup. xargs -I {} -n 1 sudo cp --parent -vp {} /tmp/backup. This is throwing the error "cp: cannot stat '/a/b/a.txt /a/c/a.txt a/d/a.txt a/e/a.txt': No such file or directory"这是抛出错误“cp:无法统计'/a/b/a.txt /a/c/a.txt a/d/a.txt a/e/a.txt':没有这样的文件或目录”

-I option is taking the complete input from echo instead of individual values (like -n 1 does). -I 选项是从 echo 获取完整输入而不是单个值(就像 -n 1 那样)。 If someone can help debug this issue that would be very helpful instead of providing an alternative command.如果有人可以帮助调试这个问题,那将非常有帮助,而不是提供替代命令。

Use rsync with the --relative ( -R ) option to keep (parts of) the source paths.rsync--relative ( -R ) 选项一起使用以保留(部分)源路径。

I've used a wildcard for the source to match your example command rather than the explicit list of directories mentioned in your question.我使用通配符作为源来匹配您的示例命令,而不是您的问题中提到的明确目录列表。

rsync -avR /a/*/a.txt /tmp/backup/

Do the backups need to be exactly the same as the originals?备份是否需要与原始文件完全相同? In most cases, I'd prefer a little compression.在大多数情况下,我更喜欢一点点压缩。 [tar](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/tar.1.html) does a great job of bundling things including the directory structure. [tar](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/tar.1.html)在捆绑包括目录结构在内的东西方面做得很好。

tar cvzf /path/to/backup/tarball.tgz /source/path/

tar can't update compressed archives, so you can skip the compression tar无法更新压缩档案,因此您可以跳过压缩

tar uf /path/to/backup/tarball.tar /source/path/

This gives you versioning of a sort, as if only updates changed files, but keeps the before and after versions, both.这为您提供了某种版本控制,好像只更新更改的文件,但保留之前和之后的版本。

If you have time and cycles and still want the compression, you can decompress before and recompress after.如果您有时间和周期,但仍需要压缩,则可以先解压缩,然后再重新压缩。

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