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[英]How can I detect and recognize the digits in a answer key like the given image?

I have this image and I have to detect and store the answers and the corresponding question number.我有这张图片,我必须检测并存储答案和相应的问题编号。 I tried using OCR but it wasn't recognising anything properly.我尝试使用 OCR,但无法正确识别任何内容。 Is there any other way?有没有其他办法?

import cv2
from imutils import contours
import numpy as np
import pytesseract

config = '-l eng+equ --oem 3 --psm 8'

# Load image, grayscale, and adaptive threshold
image = cv2.imread('answerkey.png')
original = image.copy()
original1= image.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]

# Filter out all numbers and noise to isolate only boxes
cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnts = cnts[0] if len(cnts) == 2 else cnts[1]

(cnts,_) = contours.sort_contours(cnts, method="top-to-bottom")
(cnts,_) = contours.sort_contours(cnts, method="left-to-right")
for c in cnts:
    area = cv2.contourArea(c)
    if 500 < area <5000:
        # cv2.imshow("cnt", original)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
        crop = original1[y:y+h, x:x+w]
        gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # cv2.imshow("cropp",crop)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        kernel = np.zeros((2,2), np.uint8)
        erode = cv2.erode(gray1, kernel,iterations=2)

        cv2.imshow("cropp erode", erode)
        text = pytesseract.image_to_string(erode, config=config)

The Input Image输入图像

I am getting blunder texts using the ocr directly on the complete image.我直接在完整图像上使用 ocr 得到错误文本。 Then I tried cropping each block and then feeding into OCR still I am not getting good results.然后我尝试裁剪每个块,然后输入 OCR 仍然没有得到好的结果。 If someone knows better way please help me with this如果有人知道更好的方法,请帮助我

try to:尝试:

  1. remove all the lines.删除所有行。
  2. connect the components(numbers) vertically.垂直连接组件(数字)。
  3. find contours(columns of text) and sort them from left to right.找到轮廓(文本列)并从左到右对它们进行排序。
  4. slice the image according to the column contours.根据列轮廓对图像进行切片。
  5. pass individual slices to tesseract with appropriate psm value whitelisting digits.使用适当的 psm 值白名单数字将单个切片传递给 tesseract。

hope this solves your problem.希望这能解决您的问题。

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