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[英]Topic modelling error too many values to unpack

I'm trying to perform lda topic modelling with tsne and pyldavis as visualizations.我正在尝试使用 tsne 和 pyldavis 作为可视化来执行 lda 主题建模。 However After performing lda while getting the dominant topics the error is given of too many values to unpack.然而,在获取主导主题的同时执行 lda 后,错误给出了太多解压缩的值。 Code and Error is given below.代码和错误如下。 Any help is highly appreciated.任何帮助都受到高度赞赏。

Code For LdaMulticore Topic Modelling: LdaMulticore 主题建模代码:

import sys
# !{sys.executable} -m spacy download en
import re, numpy as np, pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint

# Gensim
import gensim, spacy, logging, warnings
import gensim.corpora as corpora
from gensim.utils import lemmatize, simple_preprocess
from gensim.models import CoherenceModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# NLTK Stop words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
stop_words.extend(['from', 'subject', 're', 'edu', 'use', 'not', 'would', 'say', 'could', '_', 'be', 'know', 'good', 'go', 'get', 'do', 'done', 'try', 'many', 'some', 'nice', 'thank', 'think', 'see', 'rather', 'easy', 'easily', 'lot', 'lack', 'make', 'want', 'seem', 'run', 'need', 'even', 'right', 'line', 'even', 'also', 'may', 'take', 'come'])
def Make_String(text):
    return str(text)


df['text']=df['text'].apply(lambda x: Make_String(x))
%matplotlib inline
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.ERROR)
# Import Dataset
#df = pd.read_json('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/newsgroups.json')
#df = df.loc[df.target_names.isin(['soc.religion.christian', 'rec.sport.hockey', 'talk.politics.mideast', 'rec.motorcycles']) , :]
df=pd.read_csv("/content/drive/My Drive/Negative_data.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")

print(df.shape)  #> (2361, 3)

    # Create Dictionary
    id2word = corpora.Dictionary(data_ready)
    from gensim.models import LdaMulticore
    # Create Corpus: Term Document Frequency
    corpus = [id2word.doc2bow(text) for text in data_ready]
    lda_model = LdaMulticore( corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=id2word , passes=2, workers=2)
    #> [(0,
    #>   '0.017*"write" + 0.015*"people" + 0.014*"organization" + 0.014*"article" + '
    #>   '0.013*"time" + 0.008*"give" + 0.008*"first" + 0.007*"tell" + 0.007*"new" + '
    #>   '0.007*"question"'),
    #>  (1,
    #>   '0.008*"christian" + 0.008*"believe" + 0.007*"god" + 0.007*"law" + '
    #>   '0.006*"state" + 0.006*"israel" + 0.006*"israeli" + 0.005*"exist" + '
    #>   '0.005*"way" + 0.004*"bible"'),
    #>  (2,
    #>   '0.024*"armenian" + 0.012*"bike" + 0.006*"kill" + 0.006*"work" + '
    #>   '0.005*"well" + 0.005*"year" + 0.005*"sumgait" + 0.005*"soldier" + '
    #>   '0.004*"way" + 0.004*"ride"'),
    #>  (3,
    #>   '0.019*"team" + 0.019*"game" + 0.013*"hockey" + 0.010*"player" + '
    #>   '0.009*"play" + 0.009*"win" + 0.009*"nhl" + 0.009*"year" + 0.009*"hawk" + '
    #>   '0.009*"season"')]


      '0.340*"seriously" + 0.017*"time" + 0.015*"samsung" + 0.014*"day" + '
      '0.013*"phone" + 0.012*"order" + 0.012*"wait" + 0.011*"week" + 0.011*"damn" '
      '+ 0.011*"next"'),
      '0.081*"puma" + 0.068*"shoe" + 0.046*"adida" + 0.017*"site" + 0.017*"como" + '
      '0.014*"wear" + 0.014*"ugly" + 0.011*"shirt" + 0.010*"era" + 0.009*"pumas"'),
      '0.033*"watch" + 0.021*"hate" + 0.021*"wear" + 0.020*"shit" + 0.020*"buy" + '
      '0.016*"game" + 0.014*"man" + 0.014*"stop" + 0.014*"time" + 0.013*"still"'),
      '0.037*"bad" + 0.014*"year" + 0.013*"pay" + 0.013*"feel" + 0.011*"thing" + '
      '0.011*"really" + 0.011*"last" + 0.011*"ever" + 0.009*"never" + '
      '0.332*"com" + 0.173*"twitter" + 0.078*"pic" + 0.036*"status" + '
      '0.036*"https" + 0.029*"nintendo" + 0.015*"apple" + 0.008*"pue" + '
      '0.006*"photo" + 0.004*"iphone"'),
      '0.162*"http" + 0.028*"pace" + 0.027*"low" + 0.019*"new" + 0.019*"price" + '
      '0.017*"crushed_km" + 0.017*"size" + 0.014*"video" + 0.012*"sale" + '
      '0.062*"nike" + 0.019*"phone" + 0.019*"drop" + 0.018*"work" + 0.013*"tell" + '
      '0.013*"hard" + 0.012*"call" + 0.011*"crazy" + 0.011*"lol" + 0.010*"ass"'),
      '0.036*"sin" + 0.036*"die" + 0.024*"kill" + 0.018*"pero" + 0.012*"android" + '
      '0.012*"pro" + 0.009*"death" + 0.008*"igual" + 0.008*"final" + '
      '0.039*"black" + 0.036*"http" + 0.034*"netflix" + 0.020*"fire" + '
      '0.018*"dead" + 0.014*"son" + 0.013*"lose" + 0.011*"tv" + 0.011*"tinyurl" + '
      '0.299*"live" + 0.295*"alone" + 0.038*"seriously" + 0.013*"switch" + '
      '0.008*"mad" + 0.006*"screen" + 0.006*"wrong" + 0.006*"season" + '
      '0.005*"hour" + 0.005*"people"')]

Code for Dominant topics:主要主题代码:

# Sentence Coloring of N Sentences
def topics_per_document(model, corpus, start=0, end=1):
    corpus_sel = corpus[start:end]
    dominant_topics = []
    topic_percentages = []
    for i, corp in enumerate(corpus_sel):
        topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues = model[corp]
        dominant_topic = sorted(topic_percs, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]
        dominant_topics.append((i, dominant_topic))
    return(dominant_topics, topic_percentages)

dominant_topics, topic_percentages = topics_per_document(model=lda_model, corpus=corpus, end=-1)            

# Distribution of Dominant Topics in Each Document
df = pd.DataFrame(dominant_topics, columns=['Document_Id', 'Dominant_Topic'])
dominant_topic_in_each_doc = df.groupby('Dominant_Topic').size()
df_dominant_topic_in_each_doc = dominant_topic_in_each_doc.to_frame(name='count').reset_index()

# Total Topic Distribution by actual weight
topic_weightage_by_doc = pd.DataFrame([dict(t) for t in topic_percentages])
df_topic_weightage_by_doc = topic_weightage_by_doc.sum().to_frame(name='count').reset_index()

# Top 3 Keywords for each Topic
topic_top3words = [(i, topic) for i, topics in lda_model.show_topics(formatted=False) 
                                 for j, (topic, wt) in enumerate(topics) if j < 3]

df_top3words_stacked = pd.DataFrame(topic_top3words, columns=['topic_id', 'words'])
df_top3words = df_top3words_stacked.groupby('topic_id').agg(', \n'.join)


<ipython-input-13-5ea2ada44643> in topics_per_document(model, corpus, start, end)
      5     topic_percentages = []
      6     for i, corp in enumerate(corpus_sel):
----> 7         topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues = model[corp]
      8         dominant_topic = sorted(topic_percs, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]
      9         dominant_topics.append((i, dominant_topic))

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)

Many Thanks非常感谢

model[corp] does not return the tuple (topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues) that your code expects. model[corp]不返回您的代码期望的元组(topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues) Instead it returns the membership vector of corp ie the probability for each topic in your model that corp was generated from that topic.相反,它返回corp的成员资格向量,即模型中每个主题的概率,该corp是从该主题生成的。 Here corp is an individual document from corpus as you are iterating over enumerate(corpus[0:1]) , so you are asking for the membership vector for each document in corpus .这里corp是来自corpus的单个文档,因为您正在迭代enumerate(corpus[0:1]) ,因此您要求corpus每个文档的成员资格向量。

This can be seen from the example given in the documentation (for the parent class LdaModel of LdaMulticore but they return the same object):这可以从文档中给出的示例中看出(对于LdaModel的父类LdaMulticore但它们返回相同的对象):

>>> from gensim.test.utils import common_corpus
>>> from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel
>>> lda = LdaModel(common_corpus, num_topics=10, iterations=1)
>>> doc_bow = [(1, 0.3), (2, 0.1), (0, 0.09)]
>>> doc_lda = lda[doc_bow]
>>> doc_lda
[(0, 0.08579318),
 (1, 0.0858944),
 (2, 0.079572774),
 (3, 0.09752562),
 (4, 0.08426655),
 (5, 0.1231114),
 (6, 0.17063272),
 (7, 0.08766636),
 (8, 0.083353266),
 (9, 0.102183744)]

It seems like you want to call model.get_document_topics(corp) for each document bag of words (which you call corp ) in corpus.似乎您想为model.get_document_topics(corp)中的每个单词文档包(您称之为corp )调用model.get_document_topics(corp) This return the 3-tuple of the topic distribution for the whole document, the most probable topics per word, and the phi relevance values multiplied by the feature length for each word-topic combination.这将返回整个文档的主题分布的 3 元组、每个词最可能的主题以及每个词-主题组合的 phi 相关性值乘以特征长度。

Otherwise, you could change否则,你可以改变

topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues = model[corp]


topic_percs = model[corp]

or even clearer to甚至更清楚

topic_percs = model.get_document_topics(corp)

If wordid_topics is supposed to be the probability of each wordid in each topic, then you could call model.get_topic_terms(topicid) to return the probability pairs for the most relevant words generated by the topic or model.get_topics() to get the term-topic matrix.如果wordid_topics应该是每个主题中每个wordid的概率,那么您可以调用model.get_topic_terms(topicid)返回主题生成的最相关单词的概率对,或者model.get_topics()来获取术语-主题矩阵。

您应该将topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues = model[corp]更改为topic_percs, wordid_topics, wordid_phivalues = model.get_document_topics(corp_cur, per_word_topics = True)

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