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从 txt 文件中读取行并创建一个字典,其中值是元组列表

[英]Reading lines from a txt file and create a dictionary where values are list of tuples


Akçam   Su Tilsim       PSYC 3.9
Aksel   Eda         POLS 2.78
Alpaydin Dilay          ECON 1.2
Atil    Turgut Uluç     IR 2.1
Deveci  Yasemin     PSYC 2.9
Erserçe Yasemin     POLS 3.0
Gülle   Halil       POLS 2.7
Gündogdu Ata Alp    ECON 4.0
Gungor  Muhammed Yasin  POLS 3.1
Hammoud  Rawan      IR 1.7
Has Atakan      POLS 1.97
Ince    Kemal Kahriman  IR 2.0
Kaptan  Deniz       IR 3.5
Kestir  Bengisu     IR 3.8
Koca    Aysu        ECON 2.5
Kolayli Sena Göksu  IR 2.8
Kumman  Gizem       PSYC 2.9
Madenoglu Zeynep    PSYC 3.1
Naghiyeva Gulustan  IR 3.8
Ok  Arda Mert   IR 3.2
Var Berna       ECON 2.9
Yeltekin Sude       PSYC 1.2

Hello, I want to write a function, which reads the information about each student in the file into a dictionary where the keys are the departments, and the values are a list of students in the given department (list of tuples).你好,我想写一个函数,将文件中每个学生的信息读入字典,其中键是系,值是给定系的学生列表(元组列表)。 The information about each student is stored in a tuple containing (surname, GPA).每个学生的信息存储在一个包含 (surname, GPA) 的元组中。 Students in the file may have more than one name but only the surname and gpa will be stored.文件中的学生可能有多个姓名,但只会存储姓氏和 gpa。 The function should return the dictionary.该函数应该返回字典。 (Surnames are the first words at each line.) (姓氏是每行的第一个词。)

This is what I tried:这是我尝试过的:

def read_student(ifile):
    for line in f1:
        space=line.rfind(' ')
        if department not in D:
    return D

I think the main problem is that there is a sort of disorder because sometimes tab comes after words and sometimes a space comes after words, so I dont know how to use find function properly in this case.我认为主要问题是存在一种混乱,因为有时在单词之后出现制表符,有时在单词之后出现空格,所以我不知道在这种情况下如何正确使用 find 功能。

see below - you will have to take care of the surname but rest of the details in the question were handled见下文-您必须注意姓氏,但已处理问题中的其余细节

from collections import defaultdict

data = defaultdict(list)
with open('data.txt', encoding="utf-8") as f:
    lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
    for line in lines:
        first_space_idx = line.rfind(' ')
        sec_space_idx = line.rfind(' ', 0,first_space_idx - 1)
        grade = line[first_space_idx+1:]
        dep = line[sec_space_idx:first_space_idx]
        student = line[:sec_space_idx].strip()
        data[dep].append((student, grade))
for dep, students in data.items():
    print(f'{dep} --> {students}')


 PSYC --> [('Akçam   Su Tilsim', '3.9'), ('Deveci  Yasemin', '2.9'), ('Kumman  Gizem', '2.9'), ('Madenoglu Zeynep', '3.1'), ('Yeltekin Sude', '1.2')]
 POLS --> [('Aksel   Eda', '2.78'), ('Erserçe Yasemin', '3.0'), ('Gülle   Halil', '2.7'), ('Gungor  Muhammed Yasin', '3.1'), ('Has Atakan', '1.97')]
 ECON --> [('Alpaydin Dilay', '1.2'), ('Gündogdu Ata Alp', '4.0'), ('Koca    Aysu', '2.5'), ('Var Berna', '2.9')]
 IR --> [('Atil    Turgut Uluç', '2.1'), ('Hammoud  Rawan', '1.7'), ('Ince    Kemal Kahriman', '2.0'), ('Kaptan  Deniz', '3.5'), ('Kestir  Bengisu', '3.8'), ('Kolayli Sena Göksu', '2.8'), ('Naghiyeva Gulustan', '3.8'), ('Ok  Arda Mert', '3.2')]

Why mess with rfind and find when you can simply split ?为什么要搞乱rfindfind什么时候可以简单地split

def read_student(ifile):
    D = {}
    f1 = open(ifile,'r')
    for line in f1:
        cols = line.split() # Splits at one or more whitespace
        surname = cols[0].strip()
        department = cols[-2].strip() # Because you know the last-but-one is dept
        gpa = float(cols[-1].strip()) # Because you know the last one is GPA
        fname = ' '.join(cols[1:-2]).strip() 
        # cols[1:-2] gives you everything starting at col 1 up to but excluding the second-last. 
        # Then you join these with spaces.

        if department not in D:
            D[department] = [(surname, gpa)]
            D[department].append((surname, gpa))

    return D

If you know that your columns are separated by \\t always, you can do cols = line.split('\\t') instead.如果你知道你的列总是由\\t分隔,你可以cols = line.split('\\t') Then you have the students' fname in the second column, the department in the third, and the GPA in the fourth.然后第二列是学生的姓名,第三列是系,第四列是 GPA。

A couple of suggestions:几个建议:

  1. You can use defaultdict to avoid checking if department not in D every time您可以使用defaultdict来避免每次检查if department not in D
  2. You can use with to manage reading the file so you don't have to worry about f1.close() .您可以使用with来管理读取文件,因此您不必担心f1.close() This is the preferred way to read files in Python.这是在 Python 中读取文件的首选方式。

You can use split(' ', 1) to extract surname.您可以使用split(' ', 1)来提取姓氏。 It gives list with two elements.它给出了包含两个元素的列表。 first one is surname.第一个是姓氏。 Then again split the second elements to get the using rsplit(' ', 1) .然后再次拆分第二个元素以获得 using rsplit(' ', 1) It again gives list with two element first one is name and dept and second one is gpa.它再次给出包含两个元素的列表,第一个是名称和部门,第二个是 gpa。 Again split second element to get department.再次拆分第二个元素以获取部门。

def read_student(ifile):
    d = {}
    with open(ifile) as fp:
      for line in fp:
          fname, data = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
          data, gpa = data.rsplit(' ', 1)
          dept = data.split()[-1]
          d.setdefault(dept, []).append((fname, gpa))
      return d



{'ECON': [('Alpaydin', '1.2'),
          ('Gündogdu', '4.0'),
          ('Koca', '2.5'),
          ('Var', '2.9')],
 'IR': [('Atil', '2.1'),
        ('Hammoud', '1.7'),
        ('Ince', '2.0'),
        ('Kaptan', '3.5'),
        ('Kestir', '3.8'),
        ('Kolayli', '2.8'),
        ('Naghiyeva', '3.8'),
        ('Ok', '3.2')],
 'POLS': [('Aksel', '2.78'),
          ('Erserçe', '3.0'),
          ('Gülle', '2.7'),
          ('Gungor', '3.1'),
          ('Has', '1.97')],
 'PSYC': [('Akçam', '3.9'),
          ('Deveci', '2.9'),
          ('Kumman', '2.9'),
          ('Madenoglu', '3.1'),
          ('Yeltekin', '1.2')]}

This solution makes use of itemgetter to simplify the getting of variables: surname, dept.该解决方案利用itemgetter来简化变量的获取:姓氏、部门。 and gpa和gpa

from operator import itemgetter
d = dict()

with open('f0.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        name, dept, gpa = itemgetter(0, -2, -1)(line.split())
        d.setdefault(dept, []).append((name, gpa))

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