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边列表网络图 R

[英]Edge-list Network graph R

I am stuck in drawing a graph on R. In particular, I would like to make a network graph as this我被困在 R 上绘制图形。特别是,我想像这样制作网络图一

but with the central node of another color and the size of the other nodes as big as the column weights in the dataset.但是中心节点是另一种颜色,其他节点的大小与数据集中的列权重一样大。 The dataset is the following:数据集如下:

structure(list(owner = c("MASTERS", "MASTERS", "MASTERS", "MASTERS", "MASTERS", "MASTERS","MASTERS", "MASTERS"), 
armed_band = c("Biakatu Communal Militia", "FPJC", "FRPI", "LRA", "Mayi Mayi Militia", "Mayi Mayi Militia (Safisha Mabaya)", "Mayi Mayi Militia (Simba)", "RCD"), 
weigth = c(1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1)), 
row.names = c(NA, -8L), 
class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) 

The code I am using at the moment is the following:我目前使用的代码如下:

aux_samearea_network <- read_excel("file") 
concessions_network = network(aux_samearea_network, 
                     matrix.type = "edgelist", 
                     ignore.eval = FALSE,
                     names.eval = "weights" ) 

concessions_network %v% "Concession" = ifelse(
aux_samearea_network$armed_band %in% c("LRA",
"Mayi Mayi Militia", 
"Biakatu Communal Militia",
"Mayi Mayi Militia (Safisha Mabaya)",
"Mayi Mayi Militia (Simba)",
"RCD"), "Armed Band", "Concession")

   node.size = "weights", 
   node.color = "lightblue", 
   edge.size = 1, 
   edge.color = "grey",
   main = "Network concession MASTERS",
   edge.label = "weights",
   label = TRUE,)

Can anyone help me with this please?任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗? I would be extremely grateful.我将不胜感激。

I guess you can try igraph like below我想你可以尝试像下面这样的igraph

g <- graph_from_data_frame(aux_samearea_network)
V(g)$color <- factor(V(g)$name %in% aux_samearea_network$owner)
  edge.width = aux_samearea_network$weigth,
  edge.label = aux_samearea_network$weigth

and we will get我们会得到在此处输入图片说明

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