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[英]presence of bitcoin addresses on blockchain

I recently read some where the speaker mentioned bitcoin doesn't store addresses in the block chain.我最近读到一些演讲者提到比特币不在区块链中存储地址的地方。 If addresses do not exist on the blockchain, how can you check their balances on - for example - blockchain com?如果区块链上不存在地址,您如何检查它们在区块链 com 上的余额?

Payment addresses stored within transactions, and transactions stored within blockchain.存储在交易中的支付地址,以及存储在区块链中的交易。 Thus, speaker is not right - addresses stored in the blockchain, and by scanning the blockchain, you can fetch all activity for any address.因此,说话者是不对的——地址存储在区块链中,通过扫描区块链,您可以获取任何地址的所有活动。 Of course, balance - just result (sum) of all activities.当然,平衡 - 只是所有活动的结果(总和)。

However, Bitcoin (or other bitcoin-like crypto) does not build it's own address index, and there is impossible quickly fetch balance or activity history for some specific address directly from a node.然而,比特币(或其他类似比特币的加密货币)不会建立自己的地址索引,并且不可能直接从节点快速获取某些特定地址的余额或活动历史记录。 Explorers scans blockchain and build his own transaction history withing his own database. Explorers 扫描区块链并使用自己的数据库构建自己的交易历史记录。 Of course, when new block comes in, explorer updates his own DB, and by this way - he maintains actual history for all accounts.当然,当新区块出现时,资源管理器会更新他自己的数据库,并通过这种方式 - 他维护所有帐户的实际历史记录。

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