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[英]Overriding types to prevent unsafe any calls

I have some tests in React Native using the react-test-renderer such as:我在 React Native 中使用 react-test-renderer 进行了一些测试,例如:

it('should keep login button disabled', async () => {                       
  const emailInput = root.findByProps({ testID: 'EmailInput' }); 
  const passwordInput = root.findByProps({ testID: 'PasswordInput' });  
  await act(async () => {                                                   
    await emailInput.props.onChangeText('abc'); 
    await passwordInput.props.onChangeText('abc');                          
  const loginButton = root.findByProps({ testID: 'LoginButton' });          

This works fine, but @typescript-eslint is complaining about no-unsafe-call because of the type declarations returned by ReactTestInstance: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/react-test-renderer/index.d.ts -- specifically, ReactTestInstance has { [propName: string]: any} .这工作正常,但@typescript-eslint抱怨no-unsafe-call因为 ReactTestInstance 返回的类型声明: https : //github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/react-test-renderer/ index.d.ts —— 具体来说, ReactTestInstance{ [propName: string]: any}

I generally want to keep this rule, so I want to avoid disabling it for every line.我通常想保留这个规则,所以我想避免对每一行禁用它。

I can create a type definition for ReactTestInstance , but when I do that, I also get "types of property props are incompatible."我可以为ReactTestInstance创建一个类型定义,但是当我这样做时,我也会得到“属性props类型不兼容”。 Same if I use casting.如果我使用铸造也是如此。

Is there any way to override library types?有没有办法覆盖库类型? Beyond that, are there any other suggestions to handle the unsafe type in this way?除此之外,还有其他建议可以以这种方式处理不安全类型吗?

The best solution here is probably going to be to cast props to correct type, rather than casting ReactTestInstance to a custom type.这里最好的解决方案可能是将props为正确的类型,而不是将ReactTestInstance转换为自定义类型。 Like so:像这样:

await (emailInput.props as EmailInputProps).onChangeText('abc'); 

While casting ReactTestInstance is possible (you just need cast to unknown first, eg ... as unknown as MyCustomType ), casting each of the props to their correct types instead will give you more accurate types overall.虽然转换ReactTestInstance是可能的(您只需要首先转换为unknown ,例如... as unknown as MyCustomType ),但将每个道具转换为正确的类型将为您提供更准确的整体类型。 You probably have a type for those props easily available already anyway.无论如何,您可能已经有一种很容易获得的道具类型。

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