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我收到错误消息:CS0116 namspace 不能直接包含第 3 行的成员,例如字段或方法

[英]I am getting a errors: CS0116 A namspace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods on Line 3

#nullable enable

using System.Text;

using Ghostscript.NET;
using Ghostscript.NET.Processor;

namespace Metro.MbaProcessing.Core
internal static class PdfToText
    private const string HandleTag = "%handle%";
    private const string HandleFormat = "X2";

    internal static string Process(string filePath, Encoding encoding)
        GhostscriptVersionInfo gsv = GhostscriptVersionInfo.GetLastInstalledVersion();
        using var processor = new GhostscriptProcessor(gsv);
        using var pipedOutput = new GhostscriptPipedOutput();

        string outputPipeHandle = $"{HandleTag}{int.Parse(pipedOutput.ClientHandle).ToString(HandleFormat)}";
        string[] switches =
        processor.StartProcessing(switches, null);

        return encoding.GetString(pipedOutput.Data);

You need to load the ghostcript nuget package.您需要加载 ghostcript nuget 包。

Click on tools.点击工具。
Nuget package manager. Nuget 包管理器。
Manage Nuget Packages for solution.管理 Nuget 包以获取解决方案。
Click Browse Tab单击Browse选项卡
Search for GhostScript.NetCore by Stephan Jimane搜索 Stephan Jimane 的 GhostScript.NetCore


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