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CDN:trunk Repo 更新失败 - 12 个错误:

[英]CDN: trunk Repo update failed - 12 error(s):

Getting error when I tried to update pod,当我尝试更新 pod 时出现错误,

pod update

Error found,发现错误,

[!] CDN: trunk Repo update failed - 12 error(s):
CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/cocoa/Specs/9/b/5/FBSDKCoreKit/6.1.0-alpha/FBSDKCoreKit.podspec.json Response: Timeout was reached

However, I can access the json path smoothly from my browser.但是,我可以从我的浏览器顺利访问 json 路径。

How to resolve this?如何解决这个问题?

I have same issue like yours, I fixed it by running:我有和你一样的问题,我通过运行修复了它:

pod repo remove trunk and then pod install , once these are complete I ran pod update and it updated everything. pod repo remove trunk然后pod install ,一旦这些完成,我就运行pod update并更新了所有内容。

CocoaPods offers the ability to use either git or CDN. CocoaPods 提供了使用 git 或 CDN 的能力。 CDN is the default but for those who it doesn't work you can always fall back to the previous git-based implementation by adding CDN 是默认设置,但对于那些它不起作用的人,您始终可以通过添加

To fix add git path on your podfile .要修复在podfile上添加 git 路径。

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

I ran into same issue , following steps helped me to fix these errors-我遇到了同样的问题,以下步骤帮助我解决了这些错误-

  1. comment git path for cocoa pods and add path for CDN注释可可豆荚的 git 路径并为 CDN 添加路径在此处输入图片说明

  2. pod 'TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps', '~> 0.0.1-nightly'

  3. pod repo remove trunk

  4. pod install

  5. No of errors reduced , keep repeating step 4 until u get no errors and it starts installing pod没有减少错误,继续重复步骤 4,直到你没有错误并开始安装 pod


I got this error with FirebaseRemoteConfig 7.1.0 .我在FirebaseRemoteConfig 7.1.0遇到了这个错误。

In my case, above answers didn't work.就我而言,上述答案不起作用。

  • pod repo remove trunk
  • Add GitHub path to Podfile将 GitHub 路径添加到 Podfile

But it was resolved after I ate dinner... (maybe caused by CDN server)但是吃完晚饭就解决了...(可能是CDN服务器造成的)

if you are on mac如果你在 Mac 上

just run赶紧跑

git clone https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git ~/.cocoapods/repos/master

then go do然后去做

pod install

If none of things works for you then try to update your cocoapods using如果一切都不适合您,请尝试使用更新您的 cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods

It will definitely fix issue.它肯定会解决问题。 :) :)


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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