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[英]Method exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied (generics)

I have a working function foo , which compiles without error:我有一个工作函数foo ,它编译没有错误:

use chrono;

fn foo() {
    let now = chrono::offset::Local::now();
    let mut buf = String::new();

When I try to extract the now variable to a parameter:当我尝试将now变量提取到参数时:

fn foo<T: chrono::TimeZone>(now: chrono::DateTime<T>) {
    let mut buf = String::new();

I run into this error when compiling:我在编译时遇到这个错误:

error[E0599]: no method named `format` found for struct `chrono::DateTime<T>` in the current scope
   --> src/lib.rs:108:35
108 |                 buf.push_str(&now.format("%Y/%m/%d").to_string());
    |                                   ^^^^^^ method not found in `chrono::DateTime<T>`
    = note: the method `format` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
            `<T as chrono::TimeZone>::Offset: std::fmt::Display`

The note says that format exists (it does, as in the first code snippet), but trait bounds aren't satisfied.注释说format存在(它确实存在,就像在第一个代码片段中一样),但不满足特征边界。 How do I specify the missing trait bound to make this compile?如何指定缺少的特征绑定以进行编译?

I'm guessing it should be possible somehow, considering that the first snippet compiles and I'm only extracting the same type as a parameter.我猜这应该是可能的,考虑到第一个片段编译并且我只提取相同的类型作为参数。

Related chrono docs: https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.19/chrono/struct.DateTime.html相关计时文档: https : //docs.rs/chrono/0.4.19/chrono/struct.DateTime.html

I took a look at the impl block for DateTime .我查看了DateTime的 impl 块。 It had code of the form below.它具有以下形式的代码。 I updated the function's signature to match, and it now compiles successfully.我更新了函数的签名以匹配,现在它编译成功。

fn foo<T: chrono::TimeZone>(now: chrono::DateTime<T>)
    T::Offset: std::fmt::Display, {


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