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[英]Find matching elements based on given string

Given I have this list for simplicity.鉴于我有这个列表,为简单起见。

lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']    

and the string 'dbaeec' which will always be even length mostly 6 or 8.和字符串'dbaeec'长度总是偶数,主要是 6 或 8。

We will split it into 2 length chunks, then take the first 'db' find it, but with the condition that, the element next to it needs to be 'ae' then after that 'ec'我们将把它分成 2 个长度的块,然后取第一个'db'找到它,但条件是,它旁边的元素需要是'ae'然后是'ec'

Based on the list above we see ' db ' at index 0 and 2.根据上面的列表,我们在索引 0 和 2 处看到了“ db ”。

The first one doesn't match ' ae ' for their next element and should be ignored, but the latter does, even for the third ' ec ' and so the output should be 2 .第一个与下一个元素的 ' ae ' 不匹配,应该被忽略,但后者匹配,即使是第三个 ' ec ',因此输出应该是2

This is what I tried so far,这是我到目前为止尝试过的,

for i, n in enumerate(lst): 
  if n == 'db': 
      if lst[i+1] == 'ae':
          if lst[i+2] == 'ec':

but surely there must be better/pythonic way?但肯定必须有更好的/pythonic方式吗?

Get 3 (len(string)//2) elements each time convert it to a string and compare with the teststring .每次获取 3 (len(string)//2)元素将其转换为字符串并与teststring进行比较。

lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']    
teststring= "dbaeec"
for i in range( len(lst)-len(string)//2 ):
    if "".join( lst[i:i+len(string)//2] ) == teststring:
        print(i, i+len(string)//2)


2 5

Here is a regex -based solution.这是一个基于regex的解决方案。 I made it into a reusable function.我把它变成了一个可重用的函数。

import re
test_lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']
test_pat = 'dbaeec'

def find_match_index(needle, haystack):
    m = re.search(needle, ''.join(haystack))
        return (m.span()[0])/2
    except AttributeError:
        return None

def test(pat, lst):
    match = find_match_index(pat, lst)
    if match is None:
        print("No match was found (function returned None)")
        print(f"Found match at list index {match}")

print("Test with test data")
test(test_pat, test_lst)
print("Test with non-matchable pattern")
test('x', test_lst)

Test with test data
Found match at list index 2.0
Test with non-matchable pattern
No match was found (function returned None)

This makes use of the fact Python is a dynamic typed language, returning None for no match.这利用了 Python 是一种动态类型语言的事实,在不匹配时返回None Caller must test for this return.调用者必须测试此返回。 This is because you could have a valid match at index zero, thus zero cannot be a flag for not found.这是因为您可以在索引零处有一个有效匹配,因此零不能作为未找到的标志。

I am not a fan of manipulating types this way, coming from a C background.我不喜欢以这种方式操作类型,来自 C 背景。 There is no law against this in python, but it comes with risks in future code maintenance. python中没有法律禁止这样做,但它在以后的代码维护中带来了风险。 If I had more time and this was a bigger project, I would make a "Result" class to keep to one type per variable.如果我有更多的时间并且这是一个更大的项目,我会创建一个“结果”类以保持每个变量的一种类型。

You can do something like this:你可以这样做:

This will check if the sequence of dbaeec exists in the list at any consecutive positions.这将检查dbaeec的序列dbaeec存在于列表中的任何连续位置。

lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']    
s = 'dbaeec'

if s in ''.join(lst):
    print ('yes')
    print ('no')

If you also want to find the index position in the list, you can do:如果你还想在列表中找到索引位置,你可以这样做:

lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']    
s = 'dbaeec'

i = ''.join(lst).find(s) #do a find after converting the list into a string (using join function) and then searching for dbaeec

if i >= 0:
    print ('Yes, {} is in the list starting index position {}'.format(s,int(i/2)))
    print ('{} is not in the list'.format(s))

The output will be:输出将是:

Yes, dbaeec is in the list starting index position 2

Note that the above code will only search for the first occurrence in the list.请注意,上面的代码只会搜索列表中的第一个匹配项。 If you want to find all occurrences, the code has to be modified a bit.如果要查找所有出现的情况,则必须稍微修改代码。

try this:尝试这个:

y = "dbaeec"
lst = ['db', 'ca', 'db', 'ae', 'ec', 'sa']

x = ''.join(lst)    
for i in range(0, len(x), 2):
    if x[i:i+len(y)] == y:



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