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如何从 React-Native 的 API 获取数据?

[英]How to fetch data from API in React-Native?

I need some help for fetching data from API with GET request.我需要一些帮助来使用 GET 请求从 API 获取数据。 I'm stuck only to display the data in the console but I don't know how to make it display on the device.我只能在控制台中显示数据,但我不知道如何使其显示在设备上。 Can someone help me please?有人能帮助我吗?

That's my code:那是我的代码:

class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
     currentDate: new Date(),
     markedDate: moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
     isLoading: true,
     data: ''

componentDidMount() {
     fetch("https://URL/api/schedule?filters[employee_id]=6", {method: "GET"})
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((responseJson) => {
       this.setState({...this.state, isLoading:false, data:responseJSON}); //set the state with data 
    .catch((error) => {

render() {
    const today = this.state.currentDate;
    const month = moment(today).format("MMMM");
    const date = moment(today).format("D")
    const day = moment(today).format("dddd");

    const data = this.state;

    return (... 


) )

And I wish to know then how to use it something like "{data.id}" (if I'm not wrong)我想知道然后如何使用它,例如“{data.id}”(如果我没记错的话)

Here is little part of my .json :这是我的 .json 的一小部分:

"data": [
            "id": 114,
            "employee_id": 6,
            "room_id": 17,
            "type_of_cleaning": "D",
            "date": "2020-10-05"
        }, ...

You should save the data come into state then loop on it even using map() or Flatlist component即使使用 map() 或 Flatlist 组件,您也应该保存数据进入状态然后循环

  this.state = {
        data: []

componentDidMount() {
         fetch("https://URL/api/schedule?filters[employee_id]=6", {method: "GET"})
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((responseJson) => {
           this.setState({data: responseJson});
        .catch((error) => {



I think something along the line of:我认为沿线的事情:

 constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
         currentDate: new Date(),
         markedDate: moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
         isLoading: true,
         data: [] //should be an array

    componentDidMount() {
         fetch("https://URL/api/schedule?filters[employee_id]=6", {method: "GET"})
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((responseJson) => {
           this.setState({...this.state, isLoading:false, data:responseJSON}); //set the state with data 
        .catch((error) => {

    render() {
        const today = this.state.currentDate;
        const month = moment(today).format("MMMM");
        const date = moment(today).format("D")
        const day = moment(today).format("dddd");

        const data = this.state.data; //amd you are good from here

You just need to setState and you should be fine.你只需要 setState 就可以了。 To make your life easier I would be remised if I did not mention MOBX and Redux might make your life easier为了让你的生活更轻松,如果我没有提到 MOBX 和 Redux 可能会让你的生活更轻松,我会被解雇

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