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我在哪里可以找到 Stack 的 package.yaml 的相应名称列表,从 Haskell 中的代码中的导入语句中知道 package 名称

[英]Where I can find a list of corresponding names for Stack's package.yaml, knowing package name from Import sentence in a code in Haskell

How we can find a "name" of package to include in package.yaml in list of dependences, which is corresponds to a particular "import" sentence in a haskell source file?我们如何找到 package 的“名称”以包含在依赖列表中的 package.yaml 中,它对应于 haskell 源文件中的特定“导入”语句? For instance.例如。 In a hs source code I need to have something like在 hs 源代码中,我需要有类似的东西

import Systm.Arch

What the name of the package to put into the package.yaml file in the list of dependences?将package的名称放入依赖列表中的package.yaml文件中? It should be something like:它应该是这样的:

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- <package_name_corresponding_to "import System.Arch">

Where can I find such a list, suiteable for package.yaml or cabal file?我在哪里可以找到这样的列表,适用于 package.yaml 或 cabal 文件? Thank you in advance.先感谢您。 PS For instance, if I had in hs code PS 例如,如果我有 hs 代码

import Data.Time

in package.yaml, I have this sting在 package.yaml,我有这个刺痛

- time 

Use Hoogle .使用Hoogle Eg if you look for Data.Map , you see it is in the containers package (green text below the result): https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=Data.Map&scope=set%3Astackage例如,如果您查找Data.Map ,您会看到它在containers package 中(结果下方的绿色文本): https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=Data.Map&scope=set%3Astackage

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