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Where I can find a list of corresponding names for Stack's package.yaml, knowing package name from Import sentence in a code in Haskell

How we can find a "name" of package to include in package.yaml in list of dependences, which is corresponds to a particular "import" sentence in a haskell source file? For instance. In a hs source code I need to have something like

import Systm.Arch

What the name of the package to put into the package.yaml file in the list of dependences? It should be something like:

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- <package_name_corresponding_to "import System.Arch">

Where can I find such a list, suiteable for package.yaml or cabal file? Thank you in advance. PS For instance, if I had in hs code

import Data.Time

in package.yaml, I have this sting

- time 

Use Hoogle . Eg if you look for Data.Map , you see it is in the containers package (green text below the result): https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=Data.Map&scope=set%3Astackage

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