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[英]Check if matching keys are equal

I searched if this question is present here, but can't find it.我搜索了这里是否存在这个问题,但找不到。

Say we have two objects and we want to check if the matching keys are equal, for example:假设我们有两个对象,我们想检查匹配的键是否相等,例如:

const style1 = {
    color: 'brown',
    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    border: '3px solid blue'

const style2 = {
    fontSize: '16px',
    padding: '10px',
    color: 'brown'

The result of something like:类似的结果:

isMatchingKeysEqual(style1, style2)

should return true应该返回true

Iterate over the key / value pairs ( "entries" ) of one object and check if any match the other via Array.prototype.some() .迭代一个对象的键/值对( “entries” ),并通过Array.prototype.some()检查是否匹配另一个。

 function isMatchingKeysEqual(obj1, obj2) { return Object.entries(obj1).some(([ key, val ]) => obj2[key] === val) } const style1 = { color: 'brown', backgroundColor: 'blue', border: '3px solid blue' } const style2 = { fontSize: '16px', padding: '10px', color: 'brown' } console.log(isMatchingKeysEqual(style1, style2))

Note, this only works on an object with a depth of 1. If you needed to check complex objects with object or array values, you'd need to do something recursive.请注意,这仅适用于深度为 1 的对象。如果您需要检查具有对象或数组值的复杂对象,则需要执行一些递归操作。

I have been thinking about this problem for several days, and I believe I have a satisfactory solution.这个问题我想了好几天了,相信我已经有了一个满意的解决方案。

I wanted to write a function that could take in n number of object arguments.我想编写一个可以接收 n 个对象参数的函数。 So that it could be used for more than just two objects.这样它就可以用于不止两个对象。

Here it is:这里是:

function areIntersectingKeysEqual(...objects) {
  return objects
    .map((object) => Object.keys(object))
    .sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length)
    .reduce((a, b) => a.filter((key) => b.includes(key)))
    .every((key) => objects.every((object) => object[key] === objects[0][key]));

Let me explain how it works.让我解释一下它是如何工作的。

At a high level, first we find the intersecting keys, then we determine if all intersecting keys are equal.在高层次上,首先我们找到相交的键,然后我们确定是否所有相交的键都相等。

  1. Map all objects, returning an array of key arrays.映射所有对象,返回一个键数组数组。
  2. Sort the lists according to length ascending (this is an optimization, shortest key list is filtered first)按长度升序对列表进行排序(这是一个优化,首先过滤最短的键列表)
  3. Reduce our lists of keys, filtering them by the condition that the next array includes that key.减少我们的键列表,根据下一个数组包含该键的条件过滤它们。 This is how we find intersecting keys.这就是我们如何找到相交键。
  4. Now that we have a list of intersecting keys, we can determine if the keys are equal.现在我们有了一个交叉键的列表,我们可以确定这些键是否相等。 For every key, check that the value in every object is equal.对于每个键,检查每个对象中的值是否相等。
  5. Finally, return the resulting boolean.最后,返回结果布尔值。

Here is how it is used.这是它的使用方法。

 function areIntersectingKeysEqual(...objects) { return objects .map((object) => Object.keys(object)) .sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) .reduce((a, b) => a.filter((key) => b.includes(key))) .every((key) => objects.every((object) => object[key] === objects[0][key])); } const style1 = { color: 'brown', backgroundColor: 'blue', border: '3px solid blue', }; const style2 = { fontSize: '16px', padding: '10px', color: 'brown', }; const style3 = { fontSize: '10px', color: 'blue', }; areIntersectingKeysEqual(style1, style2); // true areIntersectingKeysEqual(style1, style2, style3); // false

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