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[英]Creating a multi-channel network: 'Concatenate' object has no attribute 'shape'

I'm trying to make a multiple input model as follow but am having trouble defining the following:我正在尝试按如下方式制作多输入模型,但在定义以下内容时遇到问题:

  1. The actual input shapes for each separate input每个单独输入的实际输入形状
  2. When flatten should be used or not什么时候应该使用 flatten
  3. Concatenating my two individual models together将我的两个独立模型连接在一起

I want to build something like this:我想建立这样的东西:

-First Dense Layer-      - First Dense layer -
         |                        |
         |                        |
Second Dense layer          Second Dense layer
            Final Dense layer (Single Output)

However I get the following error when running my model:但是,在运行模型时出现以下错误:

AttributeError: 'Concatenate' object has no attribute 'shape'

My Code我的代码

def build_nn_model(x_input1_train, x_input2_train):
    Creates the a multi-channel ANN, capable of accepting multiple inputs.

    :param: none
    :return: the model of the ANN with a single output given

    x_input1= np.expand_dims(x_input1,1)

    # define two sets of inputs for models
    input1= Input(shape = (x_input1.shape[1], 1))
    input2= Input(shape = (x_input2.shape[1], 1))

    # The first branch operates on the first input
    x = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(input1)
    x = BatchNormalization()(x)
    x = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(x)
    x =Flatten()(x)
    x = BatchNormalization()(x)  
    x = Model(inputs=input1, outputs=x)

    # The second branch operates on the second input
    y = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(input2)
    y = BatchNormalization()(y)
    y = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(y)
    y =Flatten()(y)
    y = BatchNormalization()(y)  
    y = Model(inputs=inp_embeddings, outputs=y)
    # combine the output of the two branches
    combined = Concatenate([x.output, y.output])
    # Apply a FC layer and then a regression activation on the combined outputs
    #z = Dense(2, activation="relu")(combined)
    #z = Dense(1, activation="linear")(z)
    outputs = Dense(128, activation='relu')(combined)
    #out = Dropout(0.5)(out)
    outputs = Dense(1)(out)

    # The model will accept the inputs of the two branches and then output a single value
    model = Model(inputs = [x.input, y.input], outputs = out)

    #model = Model(inputs=[x.input, y.input], outputs=z)

    # Compile the NN
    model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer = Adam(lr = 0.001), metrics = ['mse'])

    # ANN Summary
    return model

Input1 :输入1

array([55., 46., 46., ..., 60., 60., 45.])

Shape : (2400,)形状: (2400,)

Input2 :输入2

array([[-2.00370455, -2.35689664, -1.96147382, ...,  2.11014128,
         2.59383321,  1.24209607],
       [-1.97130549, -2.19063663, -2.02996445, ...,  2.32125568,
         2.27316046,  1.48600614],
       [-2.01526666, -2.40440917, -1.94321752, ...,  2.15266657,
         2.68460488,  1.23534095],
       [-2.1359458 , -2.52428007, -1.75701785, ...,  2.25480819,
         2.68114281,  1.75468981],
       [-1.95868206, -2.23297167, -1.96401751, ...,  2.07427239,
         2.60306072,  1.28556955],
       [-1.80507278, -2.62199521, -2.08697271, ...,  2.34080577,
         2.48254585,  1.52028871]])>

Shape : (2400, 3840)形状: (2400, 3840)

you need to add the brackets to the Concatenate layer.您需要将括号添加到Concatenate层。 it's Concatenate()([x.output, y.output])它是Concatenate()([x.output, y.output])

you can also write your model without the usage of flatten operation.您还可以在不使用展平操作的情况下编写模型。 your data are 2D so you don't need to do strange manipulations.你的数据是二维的,所以你不需要做奇怪的操作。 you need to use the flatten to pass from 3D (or bigger dimension) to 2D but in your case, you can start from 2D without problems您需要使用 flatten 从 3D(或更大尺寸)传递到 2D,但在您的情况下,您可以从 2D 开始而没有问题

here a full example这里有一个完整的例子

n_sample = 2400
X1 = np.random.uniform(0,1, (n_sample,))  # (2400,)
X2 = np.random.uniform(0,1, (n_sample,3840))  # (2400,3840)
Y = np.random.uniform(0,1, (n_sample,))  # (2400,)

input1= Input(shape = (1, ))
input2= Input(shape = (3840, ))

# The first branch operates on the first input
x = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(input1)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
x = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(x)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
x = Model(inputs=input1, outputs=x)

# The second branch operates on the second input (Protein Embeddings)
y = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(input2)
y = BatchNormalization()(y)
y = Dense(units = 128, activation="relu")(y)
y = BatchNormalization()(y)  
y = Model(inputs=input2, outputs=y)

# combine the output of the two branches
combined = Concatenate()([x.output, y.output])

out = Dense(128, activation='relu')(combined)
out = Dropout(0.5)(out)
out = Dense(1)(out)

# The model will accept the inputs of the two branches and then output a single value
model = Model(inputs = [x.input, y.input], outputs = out)
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer = Adam(lr = 0.001), metrics = ['mse'])

model.fit([X1,X2], Y, epochs=3)

here the notebook 这里的笔记本

try np.expand_dims(x,1) for input1 to get Shape: (2400,1)尝试np.expand_dims(x,1) for input1获得形状: (2400,1)

then np.column_stack((input1,input2))然后np.column_stack((input1,input2))

sample code:示例代码:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([55., 46., 46.])

input1 = np.expand_dims(x,1)

input2=np.array([[-2.00370455, -2.35689664, -1.96147382,  2.11014128,
         2.59383321,  1.24209607],
       [-1.97130549, -2.19063663, -2.02996445, 2.32125568,
         2.27316046,  1.48600614],
       [-2.01526666, -2.40440917, -1.94321752, 2.15266657,
         2.68460488,  1.23534095]])


it outs它出局了


[[-2.00370455 -2.35689664 -1.96147382  2.11014128  2.59383321  1.24209607]
 [-1.97130549 -2.19063663 -2.02996445  2.32125568  2.27316046  1.48600614]
 [-2.01526666 -2.40440917 -1.94321752  2.15266657  2.68460488  1.23534095]]

[[55.         -2.00370455 -2.35689664 -1.96147382  2.11014128  2.59383321
 [46.         -1.97130549 -2.19063663 -2.02996445  2.32125568  2.27316046
 [46.         -2.01526666 -2.40440917 -1.94321752  2.15266657  2.68460488

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