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SQL 删除表函数


Hello i've created a table if in a VM provided by my university and inserted the following:您好,如果在我的大学提供的 VM 中,我已经创建了一个表并插入了以下内容:

create table first_table (record_id int primary key,
first_name varchar(20) not null,
last_name varchar(20) not null);

However, instead of the first_name and last_name I actually inserted my name and am looking to drop the table to recreate it.但是,我实际上插入了我的名字,而不是 first_name 和 last_name,我希望删除该表以重新创建它。

" I typed in DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] first_table " “我输入了DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] first_table

and then it simply doesn't do anything.然后它根本不做任何事情。 Any idea why.知道为什么。

In the Postgresql documentation, when you see something inside square brackets such as [IF EXISTS] it means that "IF EXISTS" is optional.在 Postgresql 文档中,当您在方括号内看到诸如[IF EXISTS]这意味着“IF EXISTS”是可选的。 You shouldn't type the square brackets if you put that in.如果你把它放进去,你不应该输入方括号。

In this case, though, you know that the table exists so just leave the "IF EXISTS" part off:但是,在这种情况下,您知道该表存在,因此只需将“IF EXISTS”部分关闭即可:

drop table first_table;

Given that the problem is that you typed your first and last names instead of the desired column name ( first_name and last_name ) you can simply rename the columns using鉴于问题是您键入了您的名字和姓氏而不是所需的列名( first_namelast_name ),您可以简单地使用重命名列

alter table first_table
  rename leo as first_name

alter table first_table
  rename whatever_your_last_name_is as last_name


DROP TABLE first_table;

在 PSQL 中,您应该能够使用命令DROP TABLE first_table;这样做DROP TABLE first_table;

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