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[英]Sharing large arbitrary data structures during multiprocessing

I would like to parallelize a process in python which needs read access to several large, non-array data structures.我想在 python 中并行化一个需要对几个大型非数组数据结构进行读取访问的进程。 What would be a recommended way to do this without copying all of the large data structures into every new process?在不将所有大型数据结构复制到每个新进程中的情况下,推荐的方法是什么?

Thank you谢谢

The multiprocessing package provides two ways of sharing state: shared memory objects and server process managers . multiprocessing 包提供了两种共享状态的方式:共享内存对象服务器进程管理器 You should use server process managers as they support arbitrary object types.您应该使用服务器进程管理器,因为它们支持任意对象类型。

The following program makes use of a server process manager:以下程序使用服务器进程管理器:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

# Simple data structure
class DataStruct:
    data_id = None
    data_str = None
    def __init__(self, data_id, data_str):
        self.data_id = data_id
        self.data_str = data_str

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.data_str} has ID {self.data_id}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"({self.data_id}, {self.data_str})"

    def set_data_id(self, data_id):
        self.data_id = data_id

    def set_data_str(self, data_str):
        self.data_str = data_str

    def get_data_id(self):
        return self.data_id 

    def get_data_str(self):
        return self.data_str

# Create function to manipulate data
def manipulate_data_structs(data_structs, find_str):
    for ds in data_structs:
        if ds.get_data_str() == find_str:

# Create manager context, modify the data
with Manager() as manager:

    # List of DataStruct objects
    l = manager.list([
        DataStruct(32, "Andrea"),
        DataStruct(45, "Bill"),
        DataStruct(21, "Claire"),

    # Processes that look for DataStructs with a given String
    procs = [
        Process(target = manipulate_data_structs, args = (l, "Andrea")),
        Process(target = manipulate_data_structs, args = (l, "Claire")),
        Process(target = manipulate_data_structs, args = (l, "David")),

    for proc in procs:

    for proc in procs:

For more information, see Sharing state between processes in the documentation.有关更多信息,请参阅文档中的进程间共享状态

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