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Minio STS:提供程序 jwt 不存在

[英]Minio STS: provider jwt doesn't exist

I'm trying to call minIO's AssumeRoleWithClientGrants, using postman I request (POST)我正在尝试调用 minIO 的 AssumeRoleWithClientGrants,使用 postman 我请求(POST)



For anyone who's trying to fix this: this error means that minio is not being able to read your .../.well-known/openid-configuration url*.对于任何试图解决此问题的人:此错误意味着 minio 无法读取您的.../.well-known/openid-configuration url*。

  • (set through MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CONFIG_URL or identity_openid > config_url in the json cnofig file) (通过 json cnofig 文件中的 MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CONFIG_URL 或 identity_openid > config_url 设置)

But I'm getting this response:但我得到了这样的回应:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ErrorResponse xmlns="https://sts.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-06-15/">
        <Message>provider jwt doesn't exist</Message>

I also ran this python example , and when I click on authenticate and then on approve once --WSO2-- it redirects me to an error page that says我还运行了这个 python 示例,当我单击身份验证然后单击批准一次--WSO2--它会将我重定向到一个错误页面,上面写着

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity operation: provider jwt doesn't exist

Any help would be much appreciated,任何帮助将非常感激,

I got the exact same error as yours in my minio which deployed in Azure AKS.我在部署在 Azure AKS 中的 minio 中遇到了与您完全相同的错误。 The issue was fixed by restarting the minio pod.该问题已通过重新启动 minio pod 得到解决。 (Looks like the minio pod was misfunctional after the AKS cluster nodes were rebooted due to the Azure DNS issue https://status.azure.com/en-ca/status ) (Looks like the minio pod was misfunctional after the AKS cluster nodes were rebooted due to the Azure DNS issue https://status.azure.com/en-ca/status )

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