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DynamoDB GSIs 查询找不到 GSI3 和 GSI4,尽管它们存在

[英]DynamoDB GSIs query doesn't find GSI3 & GSI4 despite they exist

I am working with DynamoDB and testing queries with boto3 and VS Code at the moment.我目前正在使用 DynamoDB 并使用 boto3 和 VS Code 测试查询。 First i only had 2 GSIs and the queries worked fine.首先,我只有 2 个 GSI,查询工作正常。 Now i created a third and a fourth one.现在我创建了第三个和第四个。

When trying to query GSI3 and GSI4 i get the following error:尝试查询 GSI3 和 GSI4 时出现以下错误:

ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the ExecuteStatement operation: The table does not have the specified index

Here is my query code for GSI3:这是我的 GSI3 查询代码:

import boto3 
import pprint as pp

# dynamodb client 
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

# Table Name 
table_name_4 = "test_db.GSI3"

# get item 
telefon = '4A4EBBF4044C8938AC4E3FF11C7D1D16'
stmt = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name_4} WHERE telefon=?"
pmt =[{ "S": telefon }] 

resp = dynamodb_client.execute_statement( Statement=stmt , Parameters=pmt ) 


Here is my query code for GSI2 that works fine:这是我的 GSI2 查询代码,运行良好:

import boto3 
import pprint as pp

# dynamodb client 
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

# Table Name 
table_name_3 = "test_db.GSI2"

# get item 
personal_accept = 'FALSCH'
stmt = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name_3} WHERE personal_accept=?"
pmt =[{ "S": personal_accept }] 

resp = dynamodb_client.execute_statement( Statement=stmt , Parameters= pmt ) 


All GSIs are active所有 GSI 都处于活动状态


Anybody has an idea what is going wrong?任何人都知道出了什么问题?

Your syntax is wrong for specifying an index for PartiQL, it should be as follows:为 PartiQL 指定索引的语法错误,应该如下所示:

"Table"."Index" , or in your case "test_db"."GSI3" etc.... "Table"."Index" ,或在您的情况下"test_db"."GSI3"等....

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/ql-reference.select.html#ql-reference.select.parameters https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/ql-reference.select.html#ql-reference.select.parameters

FROM "TableName"."IndexName"

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