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[英]Strange behavior on state

I have a form with a questionary component, this questionary componente allow me to add sections of the questionary as you can see in the following image:我有一个带有问题组件的表单,这个问题组件允许我添加问题的部分,如下图所示:


also as you can see I have a button to delete each section, here is the button on my section component:同样如您所见,我有一个按钮可以删除每个部分,这是我的部分组件上的按钮:

    className="circle-button delete-section"

This button has a handleDeleteSection and this method is on the parent component and here is the method:这个按钮有一个handleDeleteSection ,这个方法在父组件上,下面是方法:

const handleDeleteSection = (event) => {
    const idToDelete = event.target.dataset.sectionId;
    const updatedSections = questionaryState.sections.filter(
      (section) => section.sectionId !== idToDelete
    // update the state with new sections
    setQuestionaryState((questionaryState) => ({
      sections: updatedSections,

but updatedSections is always with a wrong lenght eg: if I click on delete button of 'section 1' the updatedSections length is 0 if I click on delete button of 'section 3' the updatedSections length is 2 if I click on delete button of 'section 4' the updatedSections length is 3但是updatedSections 的长度总是错误的例如:如果我点击“section 1”的删除按钮,updatedSections 长度为0 如果我点击“section 3”的删除按钮,如果我点击“section 3”的删除按钮,updatedSections 长度为2第 4 节'更新后的节长度为 3

but as you can see in the following image, the questionaryState.sections has 4 elements:但如下图所示, questionaryState.sections 有 4 个元素:


Any Idea or suggestion of what is going on here, becuase without the proper array of section I can not delete the section when the user press the delete button关于这里发生的事情的任何想法或建议,因为如果没有正确的部分数组,当用户按下删除按钮时我无法删除该部分

Thanks in advance for your help在此先感谢您的帮助


Here is a video with an example: https://vimeo.com/469746051这是一个带有示例的视频: https : //vimeo.com/469746051

You are using setQuestionaryState (state) hook in a wrong way , you should update the state after removing the clicked element by passing an object , and not using a callback function : as below您以错误的方式使用 setQuestionaryState (state) 钩子,您应该通过传递一个对象而不是使用回调函数在删除被点击的元素后更新状态:如下所示

const handleDeleteSection = (event) => {
    const idToDelete = event.target.dataset.sectionId;
    const updatedSections = questionaryState.sections.filter(
      (section) => section.sectionId !== idToDelete

    // update the state with new sections
      sections: updatedSections,

you need to spread your state before you filter to prevent passing a ref it safer that as it creates a new array , and then pass the filtered results directly to your "sections" in set state您需要在过滤之前传播您的状态,以防止在创建新数组时更安全地传递 ref,然后将过滤后的结果直接传递给处于设置状态的“部分”

const handleDeleteSection = (event) => {
    const idToDelete = event.target.dataset.sectionId;
    const sectonsTemp =  [...questionaryState.sections]
    const updatedSections =sectonsTemp.filter(
      (section) => section.sectionId !== idToDelete
    // update the state with new sections
      sections: updatedSections ,


This is working for me.这对我有用。

const handleDeleteSection = (idToDelete) => {
  const updatedSections = questionaryState.sections.filter(
    (section) => section.sectionId !== idToDelete

    sections: updatedSections


  className="circle-button delete-section"
  onClick={() => handleDeleteSection(sectionId)}

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