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使用 purrr 根据条件从嵌套的 dataframe 中提取值

[英]Using purrr to extract values from nested dataframe based on condition

I'm working with a set of patient test results some of which are positive and negative.我正在处理一组患者测试结果,其中一些是阳性和阴性的。 I'm reducing to individual patient level using dplyr::nest() and then extracting values for the first positive test only using purrr::map() and a function I've written.我正在使用dplyr::nest()减少到单个患者级别,然后仅使用purrr::map()和我编写的 function 提取第一个阳性测试的值。 My dataset isn't huge - ~40k unique patients, ~110k test results - but I gave up running my script after 40 mins.我的数据集并不大——约 40k 独特的患者,约 110k 测试结果——但我在 40 分钟后放弃了运行我的脚本。 I'm sure there's a better way of extracting these values but am struggling to work it out.我确信有更好的方法来提取这些值,但我正在努力解决这个问题。 The code chunk below illustrates the method I'm using (though obviously this runs in no time).下面的代码块说明了我正在使用的方法(尽管很明显这会立即运行)。


example_data <- tribble(
  ~patient, ~is_first_positive, ~score_1, ~score_2,
  "A", F, 10, 45,
  "A", T, 16, 76,
  "A", F, 24, 86,
  "B", T, 17, 5,
  "B", F, 24, 22,
  "B", F, 55, 97,
  "C", F, 67, 48,
  "C", F, 23, 38,
  "C", F, 45, 16

example_data <- example_data %>% 
  group_by(patient) %>% 

# function to extract values based on value of another column
get_field <- function(df, logical_field, rtn_field) {
  df <- df %>% filter_(logical_field)
  if(nrow(df)==0) {
  } else {
    df %>% pull({{rtn_field}}) %>% as.integer() %>% return()


# Use purrr to run function against each nested df
example_data <- example_data %>% 
  mutate(first_positive_score1 = map_int(data, ~get_field(., "is_first_positive", score_1)),
         first_positive_score2 = map_int(data, ~get_field(., "is_first_positive", score_2)))

Here's an alternative that should be quite fast:这是一个应该非常快的替代方案:

  1. Filter to keep only first positive score过滤以仅保留第一个正分数
  2. Merge back in the nested data if you need it如果需要,合并回嵌套数据

example_data <- tribble(
  ~patient, ~is_first_positive, ~score_1, ~score_2,
  "A", F, 10, 45,
  "A", T, 16, 76,
  "A", F, 24, 86,
  "B", T, 17, 5,
  "B", F, 24, 22,
  "B", F, 55, 97,
  "C", F, 67, 48,
  "C", F, 23, 38,
  "C", F, 45, 16

nested_data <- example_data %>% 
  group_by(patient) %>% 

example_data %>% 
  filter(is_first_positive) %>%
  group_by(patient) %>%
  top_n(1) %>%

#> Selecting by score_2
#> Joining, by = "patient"
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#> # Groups:   patient [3]
#>   patient is_first_positive score_1 score_2 data            
#>   <chr>   <lgl>               <dbl>   <dbl> <list>          
#> 1 A       TRUE                   16      76 <tibble [3 × 3]>
#> 2 B       TRUE                   17       5 <tibble [3 × 3]>
#> 3 C       NA                     NA      NA <tibble [3 × 3]>

Considering your comment, I re-wrote your get_field function using Base R functions and was able to get a 10x speed improvement:考虑到您的评论,我使用 Base R 函数重写了您的get_field function 并且速度提高了 10 倍:

get_field <- function(df, logical_field, rtn_field) {
  df <- df %>% filter_(logical_field)
  if(nrow(df)==0) {
  } else {
    df %>% pull({{rtn_field}}) %>% as.integer() %>% return()

get_field2 <- function(x, logical_field, rtn_field) {
  x <- x[x[[logical_field]], ]
  ifelse(nrow(x)==0, NA_integer_, x[[rtn_field]])

approach1 <- function() {
  example_data %>% 
  mutate(first_positive_score1 = map_int(data, ~get_field(., "is_first_positive", score_1)),
         first_positive_score2 = map_int(data, ~get_field(., "is_first_positive", score_2)))

approach2 <- function() {
  example_data %>% 
    mutate(first_positive_score1 = map_dbl(data, get_field2, "is_first_positive", "score_1"),
           first_positive_score2 = map_dbl(data, get_field2, "is_first_positive", "score_2"))

microbenchmark(approach1(), approach2())
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>         expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
#>  approach1() 19.849982 24.047509 26.470304 25.001731 26.896622 95.951980   100
#>  approach2()  2.159769  2.587905  2.783555  2.648321  2.740863  7.620581   100

If you can forgive the long lines, you can use map() in the following way.如果您可以原谅长行,您可以按以下方式使用map()


example_data %>%
  mutate(score_1 = as.double(map(data, ~ deframe(.x[2])[which(deframe(.x[1]) == TRUE)])),
         score_2 = as.double(map(data, ~ deframe(.x[3])[which(deframe(.x[1]) == TRUE)]))) 

#   patient data             score_1 score_2
#   <chr>   <list>             <dbl>   <dbl>
# 1 A       <tibble [3 × 3]>      16      76
# 2 B       <tibble [3 × 3]>      17       5
# 3 C       <tibble [3 × 3]>      NA      NA


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