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(Firebase Xcode 12 iOS 14) 如何正确调用和设置孩子?

[英](Firebase Xcode 12 iOS 14) How can I call and set a child correctly?

I have confirmed that my Firebase project and my Xcode project are linked;我已确认我的 Firebase 项目和我的 Xcode 项目已链接; I then initialized Firebase in my App.swift file as follows:然后我在我的 App.swift 文件中初始化 Firebase,如下所示:

struct TRACEApp: App {
    init() {

... ...

I then wrote the following lines in ContentView.swift to test the realtime database:然后我在 ContentView.swift 中写了以下几行来测试实时数据库:

import SwiftUI
import Firebase

var ref: DatabaseReference!

var writeChild: Void {
    ref = Database.database().reference()

However it fails on that line just before the return call, with the message "Missing argument for parameter #1 in call"但是,它在返回调用之前在该行上失败,并显示消息“调用中的参数 #1 缺少参数”

How can I test the realtime database such that it compiles?如何测试实时数据库以使其编译? I wrapped those lines in the var simply because I cannot call functions without assigning them at the top level.我将这些行包裹在 var 中,仅仅是因为我无法在没有在顶层分配它们的情况下调用函数。 Any advice would be much appreciated.任何建议将不胜感激。

I think the issue in the double quotation that you put around user_id which you use ( ) however you should use ( " )我认为您在user_id周围放置的双引号中的问题( )但是您应该使用(

That's why it couldn't read this parameter.这就是它无法读取此参数的原因。

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