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将数组中的任何 null 或虚假值转换为空白字符串 "" 值 Javascript

[英]Convert any null or falsy values in an array to blank string "" values Javascript

I did an API get request and put the results in an array.我做了一个 API get 请求并将结果放在一个数组中。 Some of the results may come back undefined or null - later in the script I need to pass along the values as strings - so if there is no value I need it to pass along as a "" string value.一些结果可能返回未定义或 null - 在脚本的后面我需要将值作为字符串传递 - 所以如果没有值我需要它作为“”字符串值传递。 But how can I loop through the array and make sure that any non-value values are stored as a string with "" ?但是我如何遍历数组并确保所有非值都存储为带有""的字符串?

var dealresponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(dealurl, options);
  dealresponse = JSON.parse(dealresponse.getContentText());

  var propertyAddress = dealresponse.data["9bd1d8c4f07f5795fd8bffb16f3b63c6547d7d3a"];
  var leadType = dealresponse.data["c4ecbe01c3494d1be52432f4a3194ede3a50c0f8"];  
  var dealType = dealresponse.data["a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e"];
  var dealSource = dealresponse.data["d76fa2d6f8454a51f7d64d981cd9320877bc2ea0"];

var dealArray = [propertyAddress, leadType, dealType, dealSource];  

I'd like to process dealArray at the end and just make sure blanks are actual "" string values.我想在最后处理dealArray并确保空白是实际的""字符串值。 I don't want to delete or remove these values from the object, I just want to convert anything falsy to a string "" (I believe that "" is considered falsy in and of itself)我不想从 object 中删除或删除这些值,我只想将任何虚假的内容转换为字符串“”(我相信“”本身被认为是虚假的)

If you have no other falsy values than undefined or null , you could take a logical OR ||如果除undefinednull null没有其他虚假值,则可以采用逻辑或||

dealArray = dealArray.map(v => v || '')

Otherwise take a Nullish coalescing operator ??否则采用Nullish 合并运算符?? . .

dealArray = dealArray.map(v => v ?? '')

One approach is looping throught the array,一种方法是遍历数组,

 var dealArray = [propertyAddress, leadType, dealType, dealSource];
 const result = dealArray.map((deal) => deal ? deal: "");

Another approach is, initialize to empty if the value is not present.另一种方法是,如果值不存在,则初始化为空。

 var propertyAddress = dealresponse.data["9bd1d8c4f07f5795fd8bffb16f3b63c6547d7d3a"] || '';
  var leadType = dealresponse.data["c4ecbe01c3494d1be52432f4a3194ede3a50c0f8"] || '';  
  var dealType = dealresponse.data["a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e"] || '';
  var dealSource = dealresponse.data["d76fa2d6f8454a51f7d64d981cd9320877bc2ea0"] || '';
  var dealArray = [propertyAddress, leadType, dealType, dealSource]; 

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