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有没有办法使用android的Play Core安装本地apk?

[英]Is there a way to use android's Play Core to install local apk?

If the apk is in local storage, there's a way to use Play Core interface to install it?如果apk在本地存储,有办法使用Play Core界面安装吗? Without having to go to Play Store to download it?不用go去Play Store下载吗?

You can install the apk from local storage by clicking on it on your android device.您可以通过在 android 设备上单击本地存储来安装 apk。 If an "Open with" window appears, select "Package Installer".如果出现“打开方式”window,select“程序包安装程序”。 Then it should get installed.然后它应该被安装。

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