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Laravel 原始总和查询到 Laravel 查询构建器

[英]Laravel raw sum query to laravel query builder

I am trying to create a laravel query builder from the following raw query:我正在尝试从以下原始查询创建 Laravel 查询构建器:

SELECT establishments.*, SUM(invoice_rows.total_price) as total_price_sum 
FROM `establishments` 
JOIN invoices on invoices.establishment_id = establishments.id 
JOIN invoice_rows ON invoice_rows.invoice_id = invoices.id 
WHERE invoice_rows.invoice_article_group_id = 11 
GROUP BY establishments.id 
ORDER BY total_price_sum DESC

I have tried different methods such as: with, whereHas and withCount but I can't seem to create the correct laravel query builder for the raw query.我尝试了不同的方法,例如:with、whereHas 和 withCount,但我似乎无法为原始查询创建正确的 Laravel 查询构建器。

I think you should take a look at join and Raw in Laravel doc ..我认为你应该看看 Laravel 文档中的joinRaw ..

your query should be like this:你的查询应该是这样的:

            DB::raw('SUM(invoice_rows.total_price) as total_price_sum')])

please note that you cant select establishments.* and then group by only establishments.id请注意,您不能选择establishments.*然后仅按establishments.id id 分组

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