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从 lambda 函数使用 Amazon SES 的定价是多少?

[英]What would be the pricing for using Amazon SES from a lambda function?

I am configuring Amazon SES to send emails, through a lambda function.我正在将 Amazon SES 配置为通过 lambda 函数发送电子邮件。 I am trying to understand the pricing model for doing this.我试图了解这样做的定价模型。 As per the AWS docs, the pricing is as follows:根据 AWS 文档,定价如下:

Sending email from an application hosted in Amazon EC2从 Amazon EC2 中托管的应用程序发送电子邮件
$0 for the first 62,000 emails you send each month, and $0.10 for every 1,000 emails you send after that.您每月发送的前 62,000 封电子邮件为 0 美元,此后每发送 1,000 封电子邮件为 0.10 美元。

Sending email from an email client or other software package从电子邮件客户端或其他软件包发送电子邮件
$0.10 for every 1,000 emails you send.每发送 1,000 封电子邮件 0.10 美元。

Where do lambda functions fit into this pricing scenario? lambda 函数在哪里适用于这种定价方案? While I do understand AWS would host lambda functions on some variant of a virtual instance, will the pricing model of an EC2 instance apply while invoking SES through lambdas as well?虽然我知道 AWS 会在虚拟实例的某些变体上托管 lambda 函数,但在通过 lambda 调用 SES 时,EC2 实例的定价模型是否也适用?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

From the docs文档

With AWS Lambda, you pay only for what you use.使用 AWS Lambda,您只需按使用量付费。 You are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and the duration, the time it takes for your code to execute.您需要根据函数的请求数量和持续时间以及代码执行所需的时间付费。

So you would be charged based on the execution time of your Lambda (will likely be milliseconds per call).因此,您将根据 Lambda 的执行时间(可能是每次调用的毫秒数)付费。

will the pricing model of an EC2 instance apply while invoking SES through lambdas as well? EC2 实例的定价模型是否也适用于通过 lambda 调用 SES 的情况?

It seems like there is some confusion regarding this issue.关于这个问题似乎有些混乱。 The same question is addressed here .同样的问题在这里解决。 It's unclear but it seems like it will be cheaper to run on Lambda than EC2.目前还不清楚,但在 Lambda 上运行似乎比 EC2 便宜。

Although this question is quite old, my answer may help others.虽然这个问题已经很老了,但我的回答可能对其他人有所帮助。 AWS updated their pricing page of SES and Lambda pricing is mentioned explicitly at the end of the page: AWS 更新了他们的 SES 定价页面,并且在页面末尾明确提到了 Lambda 定价:

When you call Amazon SES from an application hosted in Amazon EC2 or via AWS Lambda, you can send 62,000 messages per month at no charge.当您从 Amazon EC2 中托管的应用程序或通过 AWS Lambda 调用 Amazon SES 时,您每月可以免费发送 62,000 条消息。 This Free Usage Tier benefit does not expire.此免费使用层权益不会过期。

See: https://aws.amazon.com/ses/pricing/请参阅: https : //aws.amazon.com/ses/pricing/

Update Dec 2022: The comment by @user3221512 no longer appears to apply. 2022 年 12 月更新:@user3221512 的评论似乎不再适用。 The wording appears to have been changed to,措辞似乎已更改为,

As part of AWS Free Tier, AWS SES offers 62,000 Outbound Messages per month >to any recipient when you call Amazon SES from an Amazon EC2 instance >directly or through AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and 1,000 Inbound Messages per >month.作为 AWS 免费套餐的一部分,当您从 Amazon EC2 实例直接或通过 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 调用 Amazon SES 时,AWS SES 每月向任何收件人提供 62,000 条出站消息,以及每月 1,000 条入站消息。

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