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使用基于(非唯一)列值的其他行中的值替换 DataFrame 行中的 NaN 值

[英]Replacing NaN values in a DataFrame row with values from other rows based on a (non-unique) column value

I have a DataFrame similar to the following where I have a column with a non-unique value (in this case address) as well as some other columns containing information about it.我有一个类似于以下内容的 DataFrame,其中我有一列具有非唯一值(在本例中为地址)以及其他一些包含有关它的信息的列。

df = pd.DataFrame({'address': {0:'11 Star Street', 1:'22 Milky Way', 2:'88 Dark Drive', 3:'33 Planet Place', 4:'22 Milky Way', 5:'22 Milky Way'}, 'val': {0:10, 1:'', 2:'', 3:20, 4: 20, 5:''}, 'val2': {0:20, 1:'', 2:'', 3:40, 4:10, 5:''}})

           address val val2
0   11 Star Street  10   20
1     22 Milky Way         
2    88 Dark Drive         
3  33 Planet Place  20   40
4     22 Milky Way  20   10
5     22 Milky Way          

Some of the addresses appear more than once in the DataFrame and some of those repeated ones are missing information.一些地址在 DataFrame 中出现不止一次,而其中一些重复的地址缺少信息。 If a certain row is missing the values, but that address appears in another row in the DataFrame, I'd like to replace the NaN values with those from the same address to get something like this:如果某行缺少值,但该地址出现在 DataFrame 的另一行中,我想用来自同一地址的值替换 NaN 值以获得如下内容:

           address val val2
0   11 Star Street  10   20
1     22 Milky Way  20   10
2    88 Dark Drive         
3  33 Planet Place  20   40
4     22 Milky Way  20   10
5     22 Milky Way  20   10

Using something like a dictionary would be infeasible since the DataFrame contains thousands of different addresses.使用字典之类的东西是不可行的,因为 DataFrame 包含数千个不同的地址。

EDIT: It's safe to assume that either both values are missing or both are present.编辑:可以安全地假设两个值都缺失或两者都存在。 In other words, there will never be a row with only val and not val2 or vice-versa.换句话说,永远不会有一行只有 val 而不是 val2,反之亦然。 However, an answer that could take that possible circumstance into account would be even better!但是,可以将这种可能情况考虑在内的答案会更好!

number of ways you can do this, the most easiest is groupby and ffill / bfill the groups.您可以通过多种方式执行此操作,最简单的是 groupby 和 ffill / bfill 组。

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = df.replace('',np.nan,regex=True).groupby('address').apply(lambda x : x.ffill().bfill())


           address   val  val2
0   11 Star Street  10.0  20.0
1     22 Milky Way  20.0  10.0
2    88 Dark Drive   NaN   NaN
3  33 Planet Place  20.0  40.0
4     22 Milky Way  20.0  10.0
5     22 Milky Way  20.0  10.0

Another, and more performant method would be using update along your axis.另一种更高效的方法是沿轴使用update

vals = df.replace('',np.nan,regex=True).groupby('address').first()

                     val  val2
    11 Star Street   10.0  20.0
    22 Milky Way     20.0  10.0
    33 Planet Place  20.0  40.0
    88 Dark Drive     NaN   NaN

df = df.set_index('address')


                val val2
11 Star Street   10   20
22 Milky Way     20   10
88 Dark Drive           
33 Planet Place  20   40
22 Milky Way     20   10
22 Milky Way     20   10


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