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[英]How to match extracted spots from star image to star catalog

I have used https://photutils.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ to extract star spots from my FITS image, which is relatively easy and neatly managed in python.我使用https://photutils.readthedocs.io/en/stable/从我的 FITS 图像中提取星点,这在 python 中相对容易且整齐地管理。
Now I want to match extracted "possible" stars from my image to a stars from the catalog to get star RA DEC coordinates of every pixel.现在,我想将图像中提取的“可能”星星与目录中的星星进行匹配,以获取每个像素的星星 RA DEC 坐标。 Has anyone done this already in python?有没有人已经在python中做过这个? Or has some instructions?或者有什么指示?

You can download, build and run the astrometry.net code locally您可以在本地下载、构建和运行 astrometry.net 代码

https://astrometrynet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build.html https://astrometrynet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build.html

http://astrometry.net/doc/readme.html#tricks-and-tips http://astrometry.net/doc/readme.html#tricks-and-tips

The solve-field program has optional parameters that speed up the search solve-field 程序具有加快搜索速度的可选参数

SOLVE-FIELD(1)                  astrometry.net                  SOLVE-FIELD(1)

       solve-field - Main high-level command-line user interface.

       solve-field  [options]  [image-file-1  image-file-2  ...]  [xyls-file-1
       xyls-file-2 ...]


   -3 RA, --ra RA
          RA of field center for search, format: degrees or hh:mm:ss

   -4 DEC, --dec DEC
          DEC of field center for search, format: degrees or hh:mm:ss

   -5 degrees, --radius degrees
          Only search in indexes within 'radius' of the field center given
          by --ra and --dec

   -d, --depth number or range
          Number  of  field  objects to look at, or range of numbers; 1 is
          the brightest star, so "-d 10" or "-d 1-10" mean look at the top
          ten brightest stars only.

   --objs int
          Cut  the  source list to have this many items (after sorting, if


   -z, --downsample int
          Downsample the image by factor int before running source extraction

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