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TypeScript - 如何从构造函数输入参数推断类型信息?

[英]TypeScript - How to infer type information from constructor input parameters?

Say I have说我有

class Foo {}
class Bar {}

class Query {
  construct(...args: any[]) {
    // snip

  result() {
    // snip

Is it possible in typescript to say that given:是否可以在打字稿中说给定:

const query = new Query(Foo, Bar);

that query.result() will have return type [Foo, Bar] ? query.result()将有返回类型[Foo, Bar]

You could use Generics for that:你可以使用泛型:

class Foo{}
class Bar{}

class Query<T> {
    constructor(private arg: T) {
    query (): T {
        return this.arg;

const q = new Query<[Foo, Bar]>([new Foo(), new Bar()]);
const q.query() // typehints [Foo, Bar] as returntype

For my specific use case (transforming variables within an Array) I ended up having to use a more sophisticated approach, using the techniques described here: https://medium.com/free-code-camp/typescript-curry-ramda-types-f747e99744ab对于我的特定用例(在数组中转换变量),我最终不得不使用更复杂的方法,使用此处描述的技术: https : //medium.com/free-code-camp/typescript-curry-ramda-types -f747e99744ab

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
type Length<T extends any[]> = T['length']

type Cast<X, Y> = X extends Y ? X : Y;

type Prepend<E, T extends any[]> =
  ((head: E, ...args: T) => any) extends ((...args: infer U) => any)
    ? U
    : T

type Pos<I extends any[]> =

type Next<I extends any[]> =
  Prepend<any, I>;

type Reverse<
  T extends any[],
  R extends any[] = [],
  I extends any[] = []
> = {
  0: Reverse<T, Prepend<T[Pos<I>], R>, Next<I>>
  1: R
  Pos<I> extends Length<T>
    ? 1
    : 0

type Concat<T1 extends any[], T2 extends any[]> =
  Reverse<Reverse<T1> extends infer R ? Cast<R, any[]> : never, T2>;

type Append<E, T extends any[]> =
  Concat<T, [E]>;

export type InstanceTypes<
  T extends { new(...args: any): any}[],
  R extends any[] = [],
  I extends any[] = []
> = {
  0: InstanceTypes<
    Append<InstanceType<T[Pos<I>]>, R> extends infer U
      ? Cast<U, any[]>
      : never,
  1: R
  Pos<I> extends Length<T>
    ? 1
    : 0

InstanceTypes correctly converts [typeof A, typeof B, ...] to [A, B, C] as I require. InstanceTypes 按照我的要求正确地将 [typeof A, typeof B, ...] 转换为 [A, B, C]。

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