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[英]Find shortest distance between points of two arrays with scipy

I have two arrays centroids and nodes我有两个数组centroidsnodes

I need to find the shortest distance of each point in centroids to any point in nodes我需要找到centroids心中每个点到nodes任何点的最短距离

The output for centroids is following centroids的输出如下

array([[12.52512263, 55.78940022],
       [12.52027731, 55.7893347 ],
       [12.51987146, 55.78855611]])

The output for nodes is following nodes的输出如下

array([[12.5217378, 55.7799275],
       [12.5122589, 55.7811443],
       [12.5241664, 55.7843297],
       [12.5189395, 55.7802709]])

I use the following code to get the shortest distance我使用以下代码来获得最短距离

shortdist_from_centroid_to_node = np.min(cdist(centroids,nodes))

However, this is the output I get (I should get 3 lines of output)但是,这是我得到的输出(我应该得到 3 行输出)

Out[131]: 3.0575613850140956e-05

Can anyone specify what the problem is here?任何人都可以指定这里的问题是什么? Thanks.谢谢。

When you doing np.min it return the minimal value of the 2d-array.当您执行 np.min 时,它返回二维数组的最小值。 You want the minimum value for each centroids.您需要每个质心的最小值。

shortest_distance_to_centroid = [min(x) for x in cdist(centroids,nodes)]

To have the associate index one way would be to get the index of the corresponding value.要获得关联索引,一种方法是获取相应值的索引。 Another is to write a custom min() function that also return the index (so you parse the list only once)另一个是编写一个自定义 min() 函数,该函数也返回索引(因此您只解析列表一次)

[(list(x).index(min(x)), min(x)) for x in cdist(centroids,nodes)]  # the cast list() is needed because numpy array don't have index methods

solution with a custom function:具有自定义功能的解决方案:

def my_min(x):
       current_min = x[0]
       current_index = [1]

       for i, v in enumerate(x[1:]):
              if v < current_min:
                     current_min = v
                     current_index = i + 1
       return (current_index, current_min)

[my_min(x) for x in cdist(centroids,nodes)]

I guess what you need is just add an arg called axis , just like this:我想你需要的只是添加一个名为axis的参数,就像这样:

shortdist_from_centroid_to_node = np.min(cdist(centroids,nodes), axis=1)

As for the meaning of the axis arg, you could refer to numpy.min .至于轴arg的含义,可以参考numpy.min All in all you need minimum on each row rather than on the whole matrix.总而言之,您需要每一行的最小值,而不是整个矩阵。

If I am not wrong your code says you are trying to access the min value hence you are getting a single value.如果我没有错,您的代码说您正在尝试访问min因此您将获得一个值。 remove np.min() try:删除np.min()尝试:

shortdist_from_centroid_to_node = cdist(centroids,nodes)

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