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[英]How to print the total in RISC-V Assembly language?

This code is supposed to store the numbers in an array, and then print the total of positive numbers, and total of negative numbers.此代码应该将数字存储在数组中,然后打印正数的总数和负数的总数。 I am not sure what I am doing wrong!我不确定我做错了什么! It prints out the messages without the total.它打印出没有总数的消息。 I am using RISC-V assembly language in RARS simulator我在 RARS 模拟器中使用 RISC-V 汇编语言

This is my current outcome:这是我目前的结果:

Positive Integers Total: 
Negative Integers Total: 
Negative Integers Total: 
-- program is finished running (0) --

Does not display the total values.不显示总值。 How can I fix it?我该如何解决?

#----Calculate the Sum of Positive and Negative Numbers In An Array----#
array:      .word 22,-35,48,10,-15,-30,25,20,-1,-26,-18,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,-9,1,-4,-3,-2,1,6,0 #array input
positiveSum:    .word 0
negativeSum:    .word 0

#outcome messages
position:       .word 0 #index posisiont of array
length:     .word 9
posTotal:       .ascii "\nPositive Integers Total: "
negTotal:       .ascii "\nNegative Integers Total: "

       la t0,array      #load array to register t0 
       lw t1,position
       lw s1, positiveSum   #load the positive sum to s1, and negative sum to s2
       lw s2,negativeSum

           #calculate the index position in terms of memory
           #each integer needs 4 bytes
           #so shift left the value in t1 and store it in t3
    slli t3,t1,2
        add t3,t3,t0        #add the base address and the above result
        lw t4,0(t3)     #load the word from above address into t4
        beqz t4,exit        #exit loop when reaching 0
        j checkSign     #if value is not 0 jump to check integer sign

        bltz t4,addNegative     #check if array value is negative 
    j addPositive       # if yes goto addnegative
                        #if not goto addpositive
        add s1,s1,t4        #add all positive integers to s1 register
        j increment     #increment
        add s2,s2,t4        #add the negative integers to the s2 register
        j increment     #increment
        addi t1,t1,1        #increment the current index in t1 by 1
        j loop
exit:               #end of program
        la a0,posTotal   
        li a7,4         #print the positive sum 
        la a0,negTotal
        li a7,4     #print the negative sum 

    ori a7, zero, 10    #program exit system call
    ecall           # exit program

You are printing only posTotal and negTotal.您只打印 postTotal 和 negTotal。 You need to print also positiveSum and negativeSum after converting them to ascii format.将它们转换为 ascii 格式后,您还需要打印 positiveSum 和 negativeSum。

I don't known how your ecall works , but you need to add two calls to ecall when you put the ascii from of your Sums in a0 (this solution will always work), or if the ecall can take more than one argument place the Sum as the second argument by using a1.我不知道您的 ecall 是如何工作的,但是当您将 Sums 的 ascii 放入 a0 时,您需要添加两个对 ecall 的调用(此解决方案将始终有效),或者如果 ecall 可以采用多个参数放置使用 a1 作为第二个参数求和。

You got Negative Integers Total: printed twice because you did not add \\0 at the end of your strings, so the first time you print the first string but continue printing until you found an \\0.您得到了Negative Integers Total:打印两次,因为您没有在字符串末尾添加\\0 ,因此第一次打印第一个字符串时会继续打印,直到找到 \\0。

I recommend you add an alignment directive between your strings like .balign 4 .我建议你在你的字符串之间添加一个对齐指令,比如.balign 4

posTotal:       .ascii "\nPositive Integers Total: \0"
.balign 4
negTotal:       .ascii "\nNegative Integers Total: \0"

the j checkSign and the second j increment are useless. j checkSign和第二个j increment没用。

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