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具有 SCHED_RR 和更高实时优先级的 pthread 无法抢占 kernel 模块中具有更低优先级的 kthread

[英]A pthread with SCHED_RR and higher real time priority failed to preempt a kthread in kernel module with lower priority


I have two threads: one kernel thread and one userspace pthread .我有两个线程:一个 kernel 线程和一个用户空间pthread I assume pthread set to SCHED_RR with higher rt priority should preempt a kthread with SCHED_RR and lower priority while both of them running one the same cpu.我假设pthread设置为SCHED_RR具有更高的 rt 优先级应该抢占具有kthread和更低优先级的SCHED_RR ,同时它们都运行一个相同的 cpu。

However my test failed.但是我的测试失败了。 kthread keeps running and pthread did not progress. kthread一直在运行,而 pthread 没有进展。

NOTE: I add both C and C++ tag for this post since my example are one with C++ and one with C. If any tag suits this post, please edit it and remove C and C++ tag.注意:我为这篇文章添加了 C 和 C++ 标签,因为我的例子是一个带有 C++ 和一个带有 C 的标签。如果有任何标签适合这篇文章,请编辑它并删除 C 和 C++ 标签。

Experiment prepare:实验准备:

  1. Ubuntu 18.04. Ubuntu 18.04。 ( I assume it's workable whether on normal linux and RT linux ) (我假设它在正常 linux 和 RT linux 上都是可行的)

  2. kthread is created with SCHED_RR and rt priority 50. kthread 是用SCHED_RR和 rt 优先级 50 创建的。

    • kthread is just a infinite loop with udelay() which should not disable preeption. kthread 只是一个带有udelay()的无限循环,它不应该禁用抢占。
    • kthread would check kthread_should_stop() before calling udelay kthread 在调用udelay之前会检查kthread_should_stop()
  3. pthread is created with SCHED_RR and rt priority 70. pthread 是使用SCHED_RR和 rt 优先级 70 创建的。

    • pthread is a busy infinite loop pthread 是一个繁忙的无限循环
    • userprogram created pthread would call pthread_join to wait until pthread end by ctrl+c用户程序创建的pthread会调用pthread_join等待直到pthread结束 ctrl+c
    while( true ){
        sleep( 1 );
        std:: cout << "wake\n";


If kthread run first, and userprogram would stuck after pthread_join called.如果kthread先运行,而 userprogram 会在pthread_join调用后卡住。 Output string from pthread cannot be received until kernel module removed ( calling kthread to stop ). Output 在 kernel 模块移除之前无法接收到来自pthread的字符串(调用 kthread 停止)。

My assumption is pthread never start since no output printed on console.我的假设是 pthread 永远不会启动,因为控制台上没有打印 output。 But I'm not sure if this assumption correct.但我不确定这个假设是否正确。


Code to reproduce the experiment重现实验的代码

==== This is the wall of text with test code ==== ====这是带有测试代码的文字墙====

kthread.c - a kernel module kthread.c - 一个 kernel 模块

#include <uapi/linux/sched/types.h> // For sched_param
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h> // kthread_create(), kthread_should_stop(), kthread_stop()
#include <linux/delay.h> // msleep()
#include <linux/sched.h> // For struct sched_param, sched_setcheduler()

#define MY_THREADNAME "kthread example"
#define MY_MODULENAME "kthread occupy cpu1 module"

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeclaration-after-statement" // Ignore C90 declaration convention since gcc has extension for it.

struct task_struct *m_task1;
static int m_t1id = 1;

int thread_fn(void *data)
    int id = *((int*)data);

    int ret = 0;
    int cpu = -1;
    cpu = get_cpu();
    pr_info( "IN THREAD FUNCTION %d, CPU is %d \n", id, cpu);
        // try to busy blocking cpu, but udelay doesn't disable preemption.
    pr_info( "EXIT from thread function 1\n");
    return 0;

static int __init init_my_module(void) {

    pr_info( "Hello, %s!\n", MY_MODULENAME );

    // Get cpu will disable preemption, so must put_cpu to enable preemption
    int cpu = get_cpu();
    pr_info( "Current cpu for initializing is %d\n", cpu );
    pr_info( "Current pid is %d\n", current->pid );

    // threadfn, data, and printf-style name. Created thread would be suspended, need to wake up.
    m_task1 = kthread_create(&thread_fn,(void *)&m_t1id,"testing kt%d",m_t1id);
    pr_info( "T1 pid is %d", m_task1->pid );
    kthread_bind(m_task1,1 );

    // Set Realtime priority 
    struct sched_param param = {50}; 
    sched_setscheduler( m_task1, SCHED_RR, &param );
    pr_info( "T1 effective prio AFTER set policy= %d", m_task1->prio ); 
    return 0;

static void __exit exit_my_module(void) {
    kthread_stop( m_task1 );
    pr_info( "Bye, %s!\n", MY_MODULENAME );

module_init( init_my_module);
module_exit( exit_my_module);

Makefile for kthread.c Makefile 用于 kthread.c

#Test on local ubuntu
KVERSION := $(shell uname -r)
KERNEL_DIR = /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build

PWD := $(shell pwd)
MODULE_NAME = kthread

obj-m  = $(MODULE_NAME).o

        make -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) modules

        make -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) clean

pthread.cpp pthread.cpp

Compile commandline for pthread.cpp is g++ pthread.cpp -pthread pthread.cpp 的编译命令行是g++ pthread.cpp -pthread

#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/resource.h> // to use getrusage
#include <unistd.h>

void* helloworld ( void *arg ){

    int cpuid = sched_getcpu();
    int sum = 0;

    std::cout<< "Hello pthread on cpu " << cpuid << std::endl;
    pthread_t pself = pthread_self();
    int policy = 0;
    struct sched_param sparam;
    pthread_getschedparam( pself, &policy, &sparam );
    std::cout << "Current thread Policy: " << policy <<  "  prio:" << sparam.sched_priority << "\n"; 
    int err =  pthread_setschedprio( pself, 99 );
    std::cout<< "set prio ret:"<< err <<"\n";
    // keep sleep to check process priority
    while( true ){
        sleep( 1 );
        std:: cout << "wake\n";
    return NULL;

int main(void){
    std::cout<<" pthread create\n";
    pthread_t handle;
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    cpu_set_t cpus;
    struct sched_param sparam;
    int error = 0;

    // Setting SCHED_FIFO must run program in sudo
    int policy = SCHED_RR;
    CPU_ZERO( &cpus );

    // Set bit cpu0 to enable in mask.
    CPU_SET( 1,  &cpus );

    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    // Let pthread using specified attribute explicitly
    error = pthread_attr_setinheritsched( &attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED );
    std::cout << "set inherit sched result: "<< error << "\n";

    error = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy( &attr, policy );
    std::cout << "set policy result: "<< error << "\n";

    // _np means "non-portable"
    pthread_attr_setaffinity_np( &attr,sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpus );

    // Set priority
    int max = 70;//sched_get_priority_max(policy);
    sparam.sched_priority = max;// ( 4* min + 6*max )/10; 

    std::cout << "Set priority: " << sparam.sched_priority << "\n";

    error = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr ,&sparam);
    std::cout << "setschedparam: " << error << std::endl;

    // before create thread, raise main thread as higher priority
    error = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, &sparam);
    std::cout<< "main thread set prio " << error << std::endl;

    error = pthread_create( &handle, &attr , &helloworld, NULL );
    std::cout<< "pthread_create " << error << std::endl;
    void* retvalue;
    pthread_join( handle, &retvalue );

    pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
    return 0;

The short answer: CONFIG_PREEMPT enabled is required.简短的回答:需要启用CONFIG_PREEMPT

I tried on CONFIG_PREEMPT linux and pthread does preempt the kernel thread with higher priority.我试过 CONFIG_PREEMPT linux 并且 pthread 确实抢占了具有更高优先级的 kernel 线程。

If you're interested in build a kernel, following links are for ubuntu 18.04.如果您有兴趣构建 kernel,以下链接适用于 ubuntu 18.04。

I choose to my own question but would not accept it since it's just the tested behavior but not why .我选择了我自己的问题,但不会接受它,因为它只是经过测试的行为,而不是为什么 I'd like to receive an anwer explaining CONFIG_PREEPT .我想收到一个解释CONFIG_PREEPT的答案。

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