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Android - 当我们从另一个网站调用深层链接 URL 而不是直接在 href 标签中传递它时,Firebase 深层链接 URL 会丢失

[英]Android - Firebase Deeplink URL is lost when we call the deeplink URL from another website instead of passing it directly in href tag

We are using hybrid platform - kony for mobile application(android and IOS).我们正在使用混合平台 - kony 用于移动应用程序(android 和 IOS)。

I have configured dynamic links in firebase dynamic links section.我在 firebase 动态链接部分配置了动态链接。 When we add the links directly in our email buttons as href tag and if user clicks that link in gmail from mobile browser it's working without any issues in both android and ios.当我们将链接直接添加到我们的电子邮件按钮中作为 href 标签时,如果用户从移动浏览器在 gmail 中单击该链接,它在 android 和 ios 中都没有任何问题。 Received dynamic link URL in mobile app and able to navigate user to particular screen based on URL params.在移动应用程序中接收动态链接 URL,并能够根据 URL 参数将用户导航到特定屏幕。

But for tracking purpose(Analytics), on click of that email button we are redirecting the user to our vendor website from there it is getting redirected to firebase dynamic URL.但出于跟踪目的(分析),单击该电子邮件按钮后,我们会将用户重定向到我们的供应商网站,然后将其重定向到 firebase 动态 URL。 By doing in this way, IOS is working as expected, user is taken to particular screen.通过这种方式,IOS 按预期工作,用户被带到特定屏幕。 But android has issues.但是安卓有问题。 App is opened in normal mode instead of deeplink mode.应用以普通模式打开,而不是深层链接模式。 dynamic link is missing.缺少动态链接。 So we couldn't navigate user to that particular screen.所以我们无法将用户导航到该特定屏幕。

I have added valid SHA-1 and SHA-256 release keys as well in my firebase project.我还在我的 firebase 项目中添加了有效的 SHA-1 和 SHA-256 发布密钥。 I have valid assetlinks.json file for the domain which i created.我有我创建的域的有效 assetlinks.json 文件。 It's a custom domain with xxx.page.link(below one for reference).这是一个带有 xxx.page.link 的自定义域(以下供参考)。

URL which is used in href tag : http://t.XXX.com/click_stats/?ID=xxxx&ContactID=xxxxx&Tracking=98c68752ea4f4af1ab9922178ff608c1&StepId=128262在 href 标签中使用的 URLhttp : //t.XXX.com/click_stats/?ID = xxxx&ContactID=xxxxx&Tracking=98c68752ea4f4af1ab9922178ff608c1&StepId=128262

Firebase Deeplink URL : https://xxx.page.link/frmOffers Firebase 深层链接网址https : //xxx.page.link/frmOffers

So 1st link will be added in email buttons href tags- when user clicks 1st link,we will capture analytics and redirect to 1st link.因此,第一个链接将添加到电子邮件按钮 href 标签中 - 当用户单击第一个链接时,我们将捕获分析并重定向到第一个链接。 Android app is opening but not in deeplink mode. Android 应用正在打开但未处于深层链接模式。 Link url params are missing.链接 url 参数丢失。

Please check and help.请检查和帮助。 If IOS is working why android is not working.如果 IOS 正常工作,为什么 android 不工作。


你需要为此编写一个 Kony FFI,我们最近处理了这种用例并通过 FFI 解决了这个问题。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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