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尝试用 python 龟模块作画

[英]trying to make paint with python turtle module

I'm a beginner and i'm trying to make paint with python turtle but my code gives an error.我是初学者,我正在尝试用 python 乌龟作画,但我的代码出现错误。 I've tried everything I could think of but it still isn't working.我已经尝试了所有我能想到的方法,但仍然无法正常工作。

from turtle import *
from menuitem import MenuItem

def changePenColor(c):
    """Changes the system turtle's color to c."""

def createMenu(callBack):
    """Displays 6 menu items to respond to the given callback function."""
    x = - (window_width() / 2) + 30
    y = 100
    colors = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'black', 'purple')
    shape = "circle"
    for color in colors:
        MenuItem(x, y, shape, color, callBack)
        y -= 30
def main():
    """Creates a menu for selecting colors."""
    return "done!"

if __name__=='__main__':
    msg = main()

And this code in a different file:此代码位于不同的文件中:

from turtle import Turtle

class MenuItem(Turtle):
    """Represents a menu item."""
def __init__(self, x, y, shape, color, callBack):
    """Sets the initial state of a menu item."""
    Turtle.__init__(x, y, self, shape = shape, visible = False)
    self.goto(x, y)
    self.color(color, color)
    self.onclick(lambda x,y: self._callBack(color))

If anyone knows what I can do to fix this, I'd be happy to know.如果有人知道我能做些什么来解决这个问题,我很乐意知道。 Thanks 😊谢谢😊

In your first line of the __init__ function on your MenuItem class, use thisMenuItem类的__init__函数的第一行中,使用这个

super().__init__(shape=shape, visible=False)

instead of代替

Turtle.__init__(x, y, self, shape = shape, visible = False)

You don't need to pass in x , y , or self , because you are already setting the position by saying self.goto(x, y) .您不需要传入xyself ,因为您已经通过说self.goto(x, y)设置位置。 Also, use super() instead of Turtle , because you need to initialize the superclass, not just another instance of Turtle .此外,使用super()而不是Turtle ,因为您需要初始化超类,而不仅仅是Turtle另一个实例。 By saying Turtle.__init__(...) you are creating an instance of that object and doing nothing with it.通过说Turtle.__init__(...)您正在创建该对象的一个​​实例,并且什么也不做。 By saying super().__init__(...) , you are initializing the superclass of your object, which is what you always need to do when you are subclassing an object (in this case Turtle ).通过说super().__init__(...) ,您正在初始化对象的超类,这是您在子类化对象(在本例中为Turtle )时始终需要执行的操作。

Note: your __init__ function needs to be indented, but I'll assume that was a pasting error.注意:您的__init__函数需要缩进,但我假设这是一个粘贴错误。

Your code is somewhat confused.您的代码有些混乱。 Specifically:具体来说:

from turtle import *

Just don't.只是不要。 Particularly in a module.特别是在一个模块中。 Import as little as you need to get the job done.尽可能少地导入以完成工作。


This should be createMenu(changePenColor) and changePenColor() should be defined in the main module, not the MenuItem class module.这应该是createMenu(changePenColor)changePenColor()应该在模块中定义,而不是 MenuItem 类模块。

Turtle.__init__(x, y, self, shape = shape, visible = False)

first three arguments to __init__ shouldn't be there and you should use super , all as @Evan notes. __init__前三个参数不应该在那里,你应该使用super ,正如@Evan 所指出的那样。


These two statments are effectively no-ops and can be left out.这两个语句实际上是空操作,可以省略。

Below is my rework of your code that I believe does what you're attempting to do.以下是我对您的代码的返工,我相信它可以完成您正在尝试做的事情。 For example purposes, instead of the main module, I just used a if __name__ == '__main__': for testing:例如,我没有使用主模块,而是使用if __name__ == '__main__':进行测试:

from turtle import Screen, Turtle

COLORS = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'black', 'purple')


class MenuItem(Turtle):
    ''' Represents a menu item. '''

    def __init__(self, x, y, shape, color, callBack):
        ''' Sets the initial state of a menu item '''

        super().__init__(shape=shape, visible=False)
        self.goto(x, y)

        self.onclick(lambda x, y: callBack(color))


def createMenu(callBack):
    ''' Displays 6 menu items to respond to the given callback function. '''

    screen = Screen()

    x = CURSOR_SIZE * 1.5 - screen.window_width() / 2
    y = 100

    for color in COLORS:
        MenuItem(x, y, 'circle', color, callBack)
        y -= CURSOR_SIZE * 1.5

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from turtle import getscreen, getturtle

    def changePenColor(c):
        ''' Changes the turtle's color to c. '''


    screen = getscreen()  # singular screen instance

    turtle = getturtle()  # default turtle

    # Create a menu for selecting colors.


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