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将 findAll 与 BeautifulSoup 一起使用时,它返回一个空列表

[英]When using findAll with BeautifulSoup it returns an empty list

I'm practicing some web scraping and for this project I'm scraping this website: https://assetdash.com/?all=true我正在练习一些 web 抓取,对于这个项目,我正在抓取这个网站: https://assetdash.com/?all=true

I'm getting and parsing the HTML code as following.我正在获取并解析 HTML 代码,如下所示。

my_url = 'https://assetdash.com/?all=true'
client = urlopen(my_url)
page_html = client.read()

soup = BeautifulSoup(page_html, 'html.parser')
rows = soup.findAll("tr", {"class":"Table__Tr-sc-1pfmqa-5 gNrtPb"})

This returns a length of 0 whereas it should be returning a much higher value.这将返回 0 的长度,而它应该返回更高的值。 Have I done something wrong with the parsing or am I retrieving the rows incorrectly?我在解析时做错了什么还是我错误地检索了行?

It dynamic and javascript rendered.它动态地和 javascript 渲染。 Go straight to the source of the data. Go 直奔数据源。


import requests
my_url = 'https://assetdash.herokuapp.com/assets?currentPage=1&perPage=200&typesOfAssets[]=Stock&typesOfAssets[]=ETF&typesOfAssets[]=Cryptocurrency'

data = requests.get(my_url).json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data['data'])

Output: Output:

print (df)
       id ticker  ... peRatio  rank
0      60   AAPL  ...   35.17     1
1    2287   MSFT  ...   34.18     2
2     251   AMZN  ...   91.52     3
3    1527  GOOGL  ...   33.79     4
4    1276     FB  ...   31.09     5
..    ...    ...  ...     ...   ...
195   537  BMWYY  ...   15.06   196
196  3756    WBK  ...   35.57   197
197  1010     DG  ...   23.40   198
198  1711    HUM  ...   12.77   199
199  1194   EQNR  ...  -15.82   200

[200 rows x 13 columns]

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