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如何将 excel/csv 文件作为 function 参数传递?

[英]How can I pass a excel/csv file as a function parameter?

How can I pass a excel/csv file as a function parameter?如何将 excel/csv 文件作为 function 参数传递? I have wrote a piece of code to copy content from one excel file to another excel file.我编写了一段代码,将内容从一个 excel 文件复制到另一个 excel 文件。 Now I want to define it as a function so I just have to mention file name from which I want to transfer data to my existing file.现在我想将它定义为 function 所以我只需要提及我想将数据传输到现有文件的文件名。 Thanks a lot in advance.提前非常感谢。 I am very new to Python Programming, and looking forward to learn a lot.我对 Python 编程非常陌生,期待学到很多东西。

def feed_input_file(InputFile): def feed_input_file(InputFile):

   InputFile = "D:\\Python_Projects\\ABC.xlsx"  #(I am passing Input file at the moment but I don't wanna pass it here)

#( Here I am trying to call my function parameter value) #(这里我试图调用我的 function 参数值)

Workbook1 = xl.load_workbook(feed_input_file(InputFile)) Workbook1 = xl.load_workbook(feed_input_file(InputFile))

............ …………

Still not quite sure what you are trying to do but if you want to create a function that will take a filename as an argument you could try something along the lines of:仍然不太确定您要做什么,但是如果您想创建一个 function ,它将以文件名作为参数,您可以尝试以下方式:

def processFile(fn:str):
    #Reads in the contents of file specified by fn
    content = ''
    with open(fn, 'a') as f:
        data = f.read()
        #Do something with data here to create content
    return content

Then in your main part of the script然后在脚本的主要部分

for filename in listofFiles:
    fle_out = processFile(filename
    #Do something here with file contents

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