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Unity 中的 Alembic 文件在 Hololens2 上不可见

[英]Alembic file in Unity not visible on Hololens2

I'm doing a visualisation of an alembic file in Unity for Hololens 2 using this plugin https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/AlembicForUnity , but the file doesn't show on the headset after compiling the project.我正在使用此插件https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/AlembicForUnity对 Unity for Hololens 2 中的 alembic 文件进行可视化,但编译项目后该文件未显示在耳机上。 Other primitives/texts remain visible on the headset.其他原语/文本在头显上仍然可见。 Does anyone have a solution for this?有人对此有解决方案吗? thanks谢谢

The HoloLens platform support for this plugin is the first thing we need to confirm. HoloLens 平台对这个插件的支持是我们首先需要确认的。

HoloLens app is a Universal Windows Platform app and only supports IL2CPP to be the scripting back end for building projects. HoloLens 应用程序是通用 Windows 平台应用程序,仅支持 IL2CPP 作为构建项目的脚本后端。 IL2cpp converts IL code from scripts and assemblies to C++ before creating a native binary, meantime it makes some inherent scripting restrictions, eg any managed code which depends upon just-in-time (JIT) compilation on the target device will fail. IL2cpp 在创建本机二进制文件之前将 IL 代码从脚本和程序集转换为 C++,同时它会产生一些固有的脚本限制,例如任何依赖于目标设备上即时 (JIT) 编译的托管代码都会失败。 More information please see: Scripting restrictions更多信息请参阅:脚本限制

I noticed that there is an open issue has feedback that it does not support the iOS platform that also uses IL2CPP scripting back end.我注意到有一个未解决的问题有反馈,它不支持同样使用 IL2CPP 脚本后端的 iOS 平台。 For now, since this repository did not clarify the list of platforms it supports, it is recommended that you open a new issue about it for professional advice.目前,由于这个存储库没有明确它支持的平台列表,建议您打开一个关于它的新问题以获得专业建议。

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