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如何分解一个非常大的 excel 文件

[英]How to break up a very large excel file

I have a very large excel file (7gb) from an external source.我有一个来自外部来源的非常大的 excel 文件 (7gb)。 It is too large to open.它太大而无法打开。 It only contains one worksheet and about 1 million rows and 100 columns.它只包含一个工作表和大约 100 万行和 100 列。 Normally, I could use PowerPivot to do data analysis with the file as a data source.通常,我可以使用 PowerPivot 以文件作为数据源进行数据分析。

However, I have to go in to the spreadsheet and add one column for longitude, one column for latitude, and then an equation to convert the address to a latitude and longitude.但是,我必须将 go 添加到电子表格中,并添加一列用于经度,一列用于纬度,然后是一个将地址转换为纬度和经度的方程式。 Therefore, I somehow have to break apart this excel file into many smaller excel files (ie 20 files of 50,000 rows each).因此,我不得不以某种方式将这个 excel 文件分成许多较小的 excel 文件(即 20 个文件,每个文件 50,000 行)。

Does anyone know how to do this?有谁知道如何做到这一点?

I had the same problem aswell.我也有同样的问题。 My solution was to go to splitmyexcelfile.com and from there you can choose how much files you want and how much rows you want in each file.我的解决方案是 go 到 splitmyexcelfile.com,然后您可以从那里选择您想要的文件数量以及每个文件中想要的行数。 I hope this solves your problem for the I somehow have to break apart this excel file into many smaller excel files part of your question.我希望这能解决您的问题,因为I somehow have to break apart this excel file into many smaller excel files

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