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从密码过期通知中排除特定 OU

[英]Exclude specific OUs from Password Expiration Notification

Quick question guys, I'm updating a PS script that notifies users when their AD password is about to expire to exclude/Omit certain OUs from the notification.快速提问伙计们,我正在更新一个 PS 脚本,该脚本会在用户的 AD 密码即将到期时通知用户,以从通知中排除/忽略某些 OU。 Example : Exclude " RemoteUsers " and " AppUsers " I have created a variable $Searchxyzbase="DC=example,DC=com" at the beginning of the script followed by the following:示例:排除“ RemoteUsers ”和“ AppUsers ” 我在脚本开头创建了一个变量$Searchxyzbase="DC=example,DC=com" ,后跟以下内容:

# Get Enabled Users From AD RemoteUsers and AppUsers OU
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  $users = get-aduser -SearchBase $Searchxyzbase -Filter {(enabled -eq $true) -and (passwordNeverExpires -eq $false)} |  -properties sAMAccountName, displayName, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordExpired, 
  PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress, lastLogon, whenCreated
  $DefaultmaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge

I know I suppose to be passing the following but not sure exactly where in the code.我知道我想传递以下内容,但不确定代码中的确切位置。

? {$_.distinguishedname -notmatch 'OU=RemoteUsers|OU=AppUsers'}

I added it as follows:我添加如下:

# Get Enabled Users From AD RemoteUsers and AppUsers OU
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  $users = get-aduser -SearchBase $Searchxyzbase -Filter {(enabled -eq $true) -and 
 (passwordNeverExpires -eq $false)} | ? {$_.distinguishedname -notmatch 'OU=RemoteUsers|OU=AppUsers'} -properties sAMAccountName, displayName, PasswordNeverExpires, 
 PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress, lastLogon, whenCreated
 $DefaultmaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge

When I execute the code, it runs and return the following error:当我执行代码时,它运行并返回以下错误:

`Where-Object : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'properties'.
At C:\code\ps.ps1:69 char:176
+ ... inguishedname -notmatch 'OU=RemoteUsers|OU=AppUsers'} -properties sAMAcco ...
+                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Where-Object], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WhereObjectCommand`

Doug suggestion worked.道格的建议奏效了。 Thanks谢谢

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